destinationAddress |
The advertised IPv4 address of the application. |
ipv6destinationAddress |
The advertised IPv6 address of the application. |
destinationPort |
The external service port of the application. |
snat |
Translate the source IP address of ingress packets to TMM's self IP addresses. Use SRC_TRANS_AUTOMAP to enable, and SRC_TRANS_NONE to disable (default). |
idleTimeout |
The number of seconds a connection can remain idle before deletion. The default is 300. You can also set immediate or indefinite. |
category |
The F5SPKVlan category to associate with the virtual server. |
clientTimeout |
The seconds allowed for clients to transmit enough data to select a server pool. The default timeout is 30 seconds. |
serviceDownAction |
The action to take when the service associated with the pool is marked down by a monitor or removed by Kubernetes: POOLMBR_ACTION_NONE (default), POOLMBR_ACTION_REJECT, POOLMBR_ACTION_DROP, or POOLMBR_ACTION_RESELECT. See K15095 for more detail. |
ipFragReass |
Reassemble IP fragments (true / false). The default is true. |
ipTosToClient |
The ToS level assigned to IP packets sent to clients. The default is 65535, not modified. |
ipTosToServer |
The ToS level assigned to IP packets sent to servers. The default is 65535, not modified. |
ipV4TTL |
The outgoing packet IP TTL value for IPv4 traffic. The default is 255. |
ipV6TTL |
The outgoing packet TTL value for IPv6 traffic. The default is 64. |
linkQosToClient |
The QoS level assigned to packets sent to clients. The default is 65535, not modified. |
linkQosToServer |
The QoS level assigned to packets sent to servers. The default is 65535, not modified. |
loadBalancingMethod |
Specifies the load balancing method used to distribute traffic across pool members: ROUND_ROBIN distributes connections evenly across all pool members (default), and RATIO_LEAST_CONN_MEMBER distributes connections first to members with the least number of active connections. |
looseClose |
Close loosely-initiated connections when receiving the first FIN packet (true/false). The default is false. |
looseInitiation |
Initialize a connection when receiving a TCP packet, rather than requiring a SYN packet (true/false). The default is false. |
mssOverride |
The maximum segment size for server connections, and the MSS advertised to clients. The default value is 0 (disabled). |
rcvwnd |
The window size to use, the minimum and default is 65535 bytes. |
resetOnTimeout |
Resets connections on timeout (true/false). The default is true. |
rttFromClient |
Enable the TCP timestamp to measure client round trip times (true/false). The default is false. |
rttFromServer |
Enable the TCP timestamp to measure server round trip times (true/false). The default is false. |
serverSack |
Support server sack in cookie responses (true/false). The default is false. |
serverTimestamp |
Supports the server timestamp in cookie responses (true/false). The default is false. |
priorityToClient |
The internal packet priority assigned to packets sent to clients. The default is 65535, not modified. |
priorityToServer |
The internal packet priority assigned to packets sent to servers. The default is 65535, not modified. |
syncCookieEnable |
Enables syn-cookies on the virtual server (true/false). The default is true. |
syncookieMss |
The MSS for server connections with SYN Cookies enabled, and the MSS advertised to clients. The default is 0 (disabled). |
syncookieWhitelist |
Use SYN Cookie WhiteList with software SYN Cookies (true/false). The default is false. |
tcpCloseTimeout |
The TCP close timeout in seconds. You can specify immediate or indefinite. The default is 5. |
tcpGenerateIsn |
Generate TCP sequence numbers on all SYNs conforming with RFC1948, and allow timestamp recycling (true/false). The default is false. |
tcpHandshakeTimeout |
The TCP handshake timeout in seconds. You specify immediate or indefinite. The default is 5. |
tcpKeepAliveInterval |
The keep-alive probe interval in seconds. The default value is 0 (disabled). |
tcpServerTimeWaitTimeout |
Specifies a TCP time_wait timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 0. |
tcpStripSack |
Blocks the TCP SackOK option from passing to servers on SYN (true or false). The default is false. |
vlans.vlanList |
A list specifying VLANs to listen for application traffic. |
vlans.category |
Specifies an F5SPKVlan category parameter value to either allow or deny ingress traffic. |
vlans.disableListedVlans |
Disables the VLANs specified with the vlanList parameter: true (default) or false . Excluding one VLAN may simplify having to enable many VLANS. |