Lab 1.2 - Deploy Global Resiliency

A Global Resiliency group is where you identity a group of instances and the DNS listeners that will respond to DNS requests. You will also select the desired Global Resiliency Group Sync IP that will be used to group together multiple instances running Next DNS.

Lab 1.2.1 - Navigate to Global Resiliency

  1. Navigate to Applications

    Navigate to Applications by clicking the workspace switcher next to the F5 icon


    Then click on Applications


    Then click on “Global Resiliency”


Lab 1.2.2 - Create Resiliency Group

You will first define the name of the group (this will allow you to associate an application with different groups ) and the name of the DNS listener (internal name).


If you make an error while creating your resiliency group you will need to completely delete the resiliency group and use a DIFFERENT name to create a new group. This is currently a limitation during Early Access

  1. Click on Start creating


    Then click on “Next”

  2. Fill in the Properties

    Use the following values

    Property Value
    Global Resiliency Group Name grgroup
    DNS Listener Name dnsvs

    Then click on “Next”

Lab 1.2.3 - Add Instances

You will next select the instances that you want to include in your Global Resiliency group. These instances must be licensed and provisioned with only DNS. In the lab environment instances 3 and 4 have been provisioned with DNS and have already been licensed.


If you select an existing instance that does not have DNS provisioned; DNS will be provisioned when adding the instance. The DNS instance CAN NOT host any applications during Early Access; it can only act as a DNS listener node.

  1. Click on Start Adding
  2. Select instance “next-dns-01” and “next-dns-02”
  3. Click on “Add to List”

Lab 1.2.4 - Configure Instances

On each instance you will configure the IP address that will respond to DNS requests. You will also configure the IP address that will be used to synchronize the group.

  1. Configure the instances with the following (be sure to match up the instance name)

    Use the following values


    You may need to scroll the GR Group Sync IP select or re-size your text to view the correct IP address

    Instance Property Value
    next-dns-02 DNS Listener Address
    next-dns-02 GR Group Sync IP
    next-dns-01 DNS Listener Address
    next-dns-01 GR Group Sync IP

    Then click on “Deploy”

  2. When prompted, click on “Yes, Deploy”


Congratulations. You have now deployed a Global Resiliency Group. Continue with the lab to associate an application with your Global Resiliency Group.