F5 BIG-IQ Centralized Management Lab > BIG-IQ All Labs > Class 5: BIG-IQ Device Management > Module 6: BIG-IP Provisioning on GCP and Onboarding using AWX/Ansible Tower and BIG-IQ Source | Edit on
Lab 6.1: Prepare GCP account credentials¶
Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes
Lab environment access¶
If you have not yet visited the page Getting Started, please do so.
Google service accounts are used for authentication to Google, and are associated with service account keys (public/private RSA key pairs).
If you already have a service account and credentials file, you can skip to the step below.
- Login or federate to the GCP console. Click the Navigation menu in the top left corner > select IAM & Admin > Service Accounts > click CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT.
Enter a service account name (friendly display name), an optional description and then click CREATE.

- In the Service account permissions (optional) page, search for and select the Compute Admin role > click CONTINUE.

- In the Grant users access to this service account (optional) page, leave the two fields blank and click CREATE KEY. Select JSON as the key type, then click CREATE. The credentials file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.

When you create a key, your new public/private key pair is generated and downloaded to your machine; it serves as the only copy of the private key. You are responsible for storing the private key securely.
- Load the credentials in Ansible Tower. Click on the AWX (Ansible Tower) button on the system Ubuntu Lamp Server in the lab environment. Use
to authenticate.

- Navigate to the Credentials page and click + to create a new credential. Type in a name and then click the magnifying glass to search for the Google Compute Engine credential type. Click the magnifying glass in the SERVICE ACCOUNT JSON FILE field to upload your service account json file and confirm that the SERVICE ACCOUNT EMAIL ADDRESS and PROJECT fields are populated. Click SAVE.

This completes the prepare GCP account credentials lab.