Lab 6.2: Create Regkey Pool


Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

In this lab, we will create a new Regkey pool on BIG-IQ. BIG-IQ admin credentials are needed so we will create new Tower credentials.

Click on the AWX (Ansible Tower) button on the system Ubuntu Lamp Server in the lab environment. Use admin/purple123 to authenticate.

  1. Navigate to the Credentials page and notice the credentials of type BIG-IQ_Creds. The labs in these modules will use the admin-iq credential for creating resources on BIG-IQ.
  1. Navigate to the Templates page and review (Class5-Mod11-Lab2) Create_BIGIQ_Regkey_Pool.

Make sure the PLAYBOOK lab/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo/tower/regkey_pool_create.yml is selected. Also confirm that the admin-iq (BIG-IQ) credentials appear in the CREDENTIALS field.

You can go on the GitHub repository and check review the playbooks and Jinja2 templates.

  1. Back on the Templates page, next to the New_BIGIQ_Regkey_Pool template, click on the Start a job using this template.
  1. SURVEY: Enter in the name of your regkey pool.
  1. PREVIEW: Review the summary of the template deployment, then click on LAUNCH.
  1. Follow the JOB deployment of the Ansible playbook.
  1. When the job is completed, check the PLAY RECAP and make sure there nothing failed.
  1. Login on BIG-IQ as admin, go to Devices > LICENSE MANAGEMENT > Licenses and check the newly created regkey pool.

This completes the regkey pool creation lab.