Lab 6.5: Discover, License, and Register BIG-IP on BIG-IQ using Declarative Onboarding


Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

In this lab, we will create a BIG-IP on GCP and discover and register it on BIG-IQ.


  • GCP Credentials
  • BIG-IP Management IP
  • BIG-IP Username/Password
  • BIG-IQ Regkey Pool Name
  1. Navigate to the Templates page and review (Class5-Mod11-Lab5) NEW_BIGIP_GCP_ONBOARD.

Make sure the PLAYBOOK lab/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo/tower/create_onboard_bigip_gcp_managed_do.yml is selected. Also confirm that the admin-iq (BIG-IQ) and your GCP credentials appear in the CREDENTIALS field. Don’t forget to click SAVE to save changes to the credentials.


You can go on the GitHub repository and check review the playbooks and Jinja2 templates.

  1. Back on the Templates page, next to the (Class5-Mod11-Lab5) NEW_BIGIP_GCP_ONBOARD template, click on the Start a job using this template.
  1. SURVEY: Enter in the required fields like below.
Name Prefix used for creating all GCP resources bigiq-lab-mod11
GCP Region to create BIG-IP asia-northeast1
Zone for BIG-IP instance asia-northeast1-b
BIG-IP username admin
Type “asm” to provision F5 WAF, leave “null” if not needed asm
Existing Role Name testrole1


Make sure you use a strong enough password for BIG-IP Password (see


Your values may differ from the example above

  1. PREVIEW: Review the summary of the template deployment, then click on LAUNCH.
  1. Follow the JOB deployment of the Ansible playbook.
  1. When the job is completed, check the PLAY RECAP and make sure there nothing failed.
  1. Login on BIG-IQ as admin, go to Devices > BIG-IP ONBOARDING and confirm that the onboarding task status.
  1. Click on BIG-IP DEVICES and confirm the discovered BIG-IP device.
  1. Click on Devices Tab > LICENSE MANAGEMENT > licenses > click the new regkey pool created earlier and confirm that the license you added earlier has been assigned to the new BIG-IP.
  1. Log into GCP Console and confirm the instance.
  1. On BIG-IQ, log out of admin, and log back in as the user you created earlier (choose Auth Provider: Local). The BIG-IP has been added to the same role assigned to this user so you should see the new BIG-IP device in the target list when creating an AS3 application deployment.

This completes the BIG-IP onboarding lab.