F5 BIG-IQ Centralized Management Lab > BIG-IQ All Labs > Class 5: BIG-IQ Device Management > Module 6: BIG-IP Provisioning on GCP and Onboarding using AWX/Ansible Tower and BIG-IQ Source | Edit on
Lab 6.6: Offboard BIG-IP from BIG-IQ¶
Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes
In this lab, we will revoke the license, remove BIG-IP from the application custom role, remove the device from BIG-IQ, then finally delete the instance on GCP.
- GCP Credentials
- BIG-IP Management IP
- BIG-IP Username/Password
- BIG-IQ Regkey Pool Name
- Navigate to the Templates page and review

Make sure the PLAYBOOK lab/f5-ansible-bigiq-as3-demo/tower/delete_offboard_bigip_gcp_managed_do.yml
is selected. Also confirm that the admin-iq (BIG-IQ) and your GCP credentials appear in the CREDENTIALS field. Don’t forget to click SAVE to save changes to the credentials.

You can go on the GitHub repository and check review the playbooks and Jinja2 templates.
- Back on the Templates page, next to the (Class5-Mod11-Lab6) DELETE_BIGIP_GCP_OFFBOARD template, click on the Start a job using this template.

- SURVEY: Enter in the required fields like below.
Prefix used when creating all GCP resources | bigiq-lab-mod11 |
GCP Region Used to create BIG-IP | asia-northeast1 |
Zone Used for BIG-IP instance | asia-northeast1-b |
BIG-IP username | admin |
BIG-IP Password | XXXXXXXX |
Your values may differ from the example above

- PREVIEW: Review the summary of the template deployment, then click on LAUNCH.

- Follow the JOB deployment of the Ansible playbook.

- When the job is completed, check the PLAY RECAP and make sure there nothing failed.

- Login on BIG-IQ as admin, go to Devices > BIG-IP DEVICES and confirm that the device is no longer displayed.

- Click on LICENSE MANAGEMENT > Licenses and confirm that the license has been revoked and available in the pool.

- Click System > ROLE MANAGEMENT > Roles > CUSTOM ROLES > Application Roles > click on the role you specified when creating the BIG-IP device. Confirm that the BIG-IP is no longer selected.

- Log into GCP Console and confirm the instance has been deleted.

This completes the BIG-IP offboarding lab.