Lab 1.1: Import all Certificates & keys from multiple devices in BIG-IQ


Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

Lab environment access

If you have not yet visited the page Getting Started, please do so.


  1. Login as david in BIG-IQ and navigate to Configuration > LOCAL TRAFFIC > Certificate Management > Certificates & Keys.

    On this screen, you will see all the SSL certificates imported from BIG-IPs but not yet managed by BIG-IQ.

  1. Click on Import, then select Import from BIG-IP Devices.
  2. Select, enter device login and password (default user is root, password purple123), check the box Retrieve All Objects.

Click on the Import

  1. After clicking on import, you will be taking back to the list of Certificates & Keys and should see the certificates & keys from being managed.
  1. If you come back from the previous page, click on Import, then select Import from BIG-IP Devices, you can see the status and time of the last import.


If you are interested to know how to automate the import of Certificate and Key, read the following devcentral article Automate import of SSL Certificate, Key & CRL from BIG-IP to BIG-IQ.