F5 BIG-IQ Centralized Management Lab > BIG-IQ Test Drive Labs > Module 5: LTM conflict resolution: silo in BIG-IQ (new 7.1) Source | Edit on
Lab 5.1: Import a device into a silo¶
Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes
Lab environment access¶
If you have not yet visited the page Getting Started, please do so.
- Login to BIG-IQ as david.
- Navigate to Devices > BIG-IP Devices. You can hide some columns you won’t need for this lab such as Stats Collection, Data Collection, Stats Last Collection.

- Click on Complete import tasks under SJC-vBIGIP01.termmarc.com Services.

4. Click on Import to start the device configuration import into BIG-IQ. If prompted to re-discover the device before importing, go ahead and complete that step first, then Import.

- The conflict resolution window opens. All the objects are given one of the following options,
Set all BIG-IQ
,Set all BIG-IP
orCreate Version
with the exception of 1 objectsilo-lab-http-profile
which only has the 2 first options.
The HTTP profile silo-lab-http-profile
already exists in BIG-IQ and is tied to one or more of the BIG-IP’s discovered & imported
into BIG-IQ. In this case the Boston BIG-IP Cluster or the Seattle BIG-IP.
If you choose BIG-IQ
, the the contents of this profile on the SJC-vBIGIP01 BIG-IP will get overwritten by what is already on BIG-IQ.
This is likely not a preferred behavior because this is a working configuration and changing the content of the profile will likely break something.
Choosing BIG-IP
will overwrite the contents of this profile on BIG-IQ with what is being imported from this BIG-IP. This would then overwrite
the configuration of the other BIG-IP’s that use this same shared object with the contents of the SJC-vBIGIP01 BIG-IP profile on the next deployment.
This is also not a desired outcome as it will change working configurations on those devices.

When adding multiple BIG-IP devices and discovering and importing their services at the same time, you can specify a conflict resolution policy if BIG-IQ finds any default monitors or LTM profiles with different parameters. More details on Version Specific Objects in Module 4.
- Select the
profile HTTP and note the difference between BIG-IQ and the BIG-IP device profile.
Accept XFF | Enabled |
Insert X-Forwarded-For | Enabled |
- SJC-vBIGIP01.termmarc.com
Accept XFF | Disabled |
Insert X-Forwarded-For | Disabled |

What you are noticing is a conflict between what BIG-IQ has stored for a profile named silo-lab-http-profile
what a profile of the same name has on the SJC-vBIGIP01 device. They share the same name, but have different configuration
options enabled as highlighted in the display. Because we want to preserve both configurations and not overwrite BIG-IP
for the
conflicting HTTP profile, click on Resolve Conflicts Later.
- Select Create a New Silo and name it
then click Continue

The device is now imported into its own silo named silolab
. Note the object naming collision has not been resolved yet.
Click Close.

If you know all the devices from 1 data center have the exact same conflicts, you can put all of those devices in the same silo rather than put each one into its own silo.
- Once the device is added to the silo, import the device configuration.

9. After the Import has completed, go back to the BIG-IP Devices
grid, you can see now SJC-vBIGIP01.termmarc.com has been imported
into a Silo named silolab

- If you navigate to Configuration > Local Traffic > Profile and filter on
you will see the 2 different instances of the same HTTP profile. One which is part of the default silo and the newly imported profile from the SJC BIG-IP device which is in the Silo calledsilolab