Lab 2.3 - Setup the Agents

Once the master is setup and running, we need to setup and join our agents to the cluster.


The following commands need to be run on both agent nodes unless otherwise specified.

Install Mesos

  1. Add the mesos/marathon repo

    Run the following commands:

    apt-key adv --keyserver --recv E56151BF
    cat <<EOF >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mesosphere.list
    deb $(lsb_release -cs) main
  2. Install the mesos packages

    apt update && apt-get install mesos -y

Setup Mesos

  1. Create mesos ip file /etc/mesos-slave/ip

  2. Create mesos hostname file /etc/mesos-slave/hostname (specify the IP address of your node)

  3. Point zookeeper to the master instance. This is done in the file /etc/mesos/zk

    # On agent1
    echo "" > /etc/mesos-slave/ip
    echo "" > /etc/mesos-slave/hostname
    echo "zk://" > /etc/mesos/zk
    # On agent2
    echo "" > /etc/mesos-slave/ip
    echo "" > /etc/mesos-slave/hostname
    echo "zk://" > /etc/mesos/zk
  4. Make the following changes to allow “docker” containers with mesos.

    #Add the ability to use docker containers
    echo 'docker,mesos' > /etc/mesos-slave/containerizers
    #Increase the timeout to 5 min so that we have enough time to download any needed docker image
    echo '5mins' > /etc/mesos-slave/executor_registration_timeout
    #Allow users other then "marathon" to create and run jobs on the agents
    echo 'false' > /etc/mesos-slave/switch_user

Start Services

  1. First we need to make sure that zookeeper and mesos-master don’t run on the agents.

    systemctl stop zookeeper
    echo manual > /etc/init/zookeeper.override
    systemctl stop mesos-master
    echo manual > /etc/init/mesos.master.override
  2. Start & enable the agent process called mesos-slave

    systemctl start mesos-slave
    systemctl enable mesos-slave
  3. Check on master with mesos interface (port 5050) if your agents registered successfully. You should see both agent1 and agent2 on the agent page.


Test Your Setup

Connect to Marathon through one of the master (8080) and launch an application.

  1. Click on create application

  2. Make the following settings and click “Create Application”

    • ID: test
    • CPU: 0.1
    • Memory: 32M
    • Command: echo TEST; sleep 5
  3. Once it starts, connect to the mesos framework. Here you should see more and more completed tasks. Name of the task should be “test” (our ID).

  4. If you let it run for a while, you’ll see more and more “Completed Tasks”. You can see that the Host being selected to run those tasks is not always the same.

  5. Go Back to Marathon, click on our application test and click on the setting button and select destroy to remove it.


Launch A Container

To test our containers from marathon. We will start a simple apache container.

  1. Click on create an application, switch to JSON mode and replace the default 8 lines of json with the following and Click “Create Application”


    This may takes some time since we will have to retrieve the image first

       "id": "my-website",
       "cpus": 0.5,
       "mem": 32.0,
       "container": {
          "type": "DOCKER",
          "docker": {
             "image": "eboraas/apache-php",
             "network": "BRIDGE",
             "portMappings": [
                { "containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 0 }
  2. It may take some time to switch from Deploying to Running.

  3. Once it’s in a Running state, find the port used by the container and try to access it at agent IP:port. Click on your application “my-website”. Here you’ll see the port associated to your instance. In this case it’s 31870 and on agent1 -

  4. Use your browser to connect to the application:
