Lab 5.2 - Upload RPM package to BIG-IP using the GUI

Now that we’re able to manage iControl LX Extension RPM packages in the GUI, let’s upload an RPM package to the BIG-IP.

Task 1 - Upload RPM package to BIG-IP

  1. In your web browser, navigate to BIG-IP:

  2. Navigate to Main > iApps > Package Management LX then select Import from the right.

  3. Select “Choose File” and navigate to Desktop and select:


  4. Select “Upload” and the RPM package will be added to the BIG-IP.



    You can also create and upload RPM packages using BIG-IP iControl REST. See the following article on DevCentral: Deploying an iControl Extension

  5. You will now see the package installed on the BIG-IP.
