2.0 Lab Module 2 Exploring The SACA

Lab 2 will focus on the GitHub page were the F5 Azure SACA Terraform scripts reside. There will no commands entered into GitBash or VS Code.

Go to: https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-azure-saca

You should see something like this:


Take a moment, scroll down and read the information available. Pay attention to the section where the inputs are documented:


Now let’s find and click on the variables.tf file:


This is where we defined variables for the root module. They are defined with a variable block: image53

But they are referenced from within an object named var: image54

The variables.tf file has the definitions and default values of the variables used in the repository. If a variable is not defined via another method, then the default value specified here will be used.

Other ways of defining variables:

From the command line using -var: image55

Or in a file (.tfvars or .tfvars.json) image56

Or automatically with:

  • Files named exactly terraform.tfvars or terraform.tfvars.json.
  • Any files with names ending in .auto.tfvars or .auto.tfvars.json.

In the next lab we will be creating and using an auto.admin.tfvars file.

These types of variable files are useful for predefining multiple configurations. For example if you had a SACA stack in Azure Commercial and in Azure for Government you could have saca.com.tfvars and saca.gov.tfvars and use the same github repository with a different command line switch to deploy whichever one you wanted.


Stop, this is the end of Module 2.