4.4. Create Two Empty VLANsΒΆ

A topology must be bound to a unique VLAN. Since the layer topologies won't be listening on actual client-facing VLANs, you will need to create a separate empty VLAN for each topology you intend to create. An empty VLAN has no interfaces assigned.

  • Navigate to Network > VLANs and click on the Create button to add a new VLAN.

  • Name this VLAN: zzz-vlan and then click on Finished. Do not select any interfaces.

    Empty VLAN
  • Since you are not attaching any interfaces to this VLAN, you will receive a confirmation pop-up.

    Empty VLAN Confirmation
  • Click on OK to continue and return to the VLAN List.

  • Click on the Create button again to add a second empty VLAN.

  • Name this VLAN: yyy-vlan and then click on Finished.

  • Since you are not attaching any interfaces to this VLAN, you will receive a confirmation pop-up. Click on OK to continue and return to the VLAN List.

Empty VLANs