Threat Stack Linux Agent

Deploying the Threat Stack Linux Agent

The Threat Stack host-based Agent uses the Linux Audit Framework to collect file, network, and process data.

Install the Threat Stack Agent


  • Access to the Threat Stack Console
  • Access to host either via CLI or RDP on a supported Operating System architecture(ARM or x86 architecture)
  • Access to a supported browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox)

Threat Stack automatically walks customers through an Agent install on the Servers page. Log into Threat Stack > Click Servers.


Linux Distributions

Select + Add New Server and the Command Builder dialog will display. Select Agent 2.X.X to proceed to the set of instructions below, specific to your Linux distribution.


Challenge 6Install the Threat Stack Linux Agent


Let’s begin by configuring some environmental variables for a streamlined lab. Replace the StudentN-Linux with your information.


Use only the command provided to install the Threat Stack Linux Agent. Using UDF, establish a Terminal session with the host labelled, “Linux”

Then enter:

Then enter:


You can access your ‘deployment-key’ from the server UI. Deployment keys are unique per Threat Stack Organization.