Exercise 1.4: Adding members to a pool on F5


Demonstrate use of the BIG-IP pool member module to tie web server nodes into the load balancing pool http_pool created in the previous exercises.


Step 0:

Make sure you have the virtuals_pools.yml files defined, refer exercise 1.3-add-pool.

Step 1:

Using your text editor of choice create a new file called bigip-pool-members.yml.

[student1@ansible ~]$ nano bigip-pool-members.yml

``vim`` and ``nano`` are available on the control node

Step 2:

Enter the following play definition into bigip-pool-members.yml:

- name: BIG-IP SETUP
  hosts: lb
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

  • The --- at the top of the file indicates that this is a YAML file.
  • The hosts: lb, indicates the play is run only on the lb group. Technically there only one F5 device but if there were multiple they would be configured simultaneously.
  • connection: local tells the Playbook to run locally (rather than SSHing to itself)
  • gather_facts: false disables facts gathering. We are not using any fact variables for this playbook.
  • vars_file is a ansible reserved word to include a file to the playbook

Step 3

Next, add the first task. This task will use the set_fact module to set a parameter called ‘provider’.

This parameter will hold all the connection details to the BIG-IP and will be used in subsequent tasks

- name: BIG-IP SETUP
  hosts: lb
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false



  - set_fact:
      server: "{{private_ip}}"
      user: "{{ansible_user}}"
      password: "{{ansible_ssh_pass}}"
      server_port: 8443
      validate_certs: no
  • The server: "{{private_ip}}" parameter tells the module to connect to the F5 BIG-IP IP address, which is stored as a variable private_ip in inventory
  • The user: "{{ansible_user}}" parameter tells the module the username to login to the F5 BIG-IP device with
  • The password: "{{ansible_ssh_pass}}" parameter tells the module the password to login to the F5 BIG-IP device with
  • The server_port: 8443 parameter tells the module the port to connect to the F5 BIG-IP device with

Step 4

Next, add the first task. This task will use the bigip_pool_member module configure the two RHEL web servers as nodes on the BIG-IP F5 load balancer.

- name: BIG-IP SETUP
  hosts: lb
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false



  - set_fact:
      server: "{{private_ip}}"
      user: "{{ansible_user}}"
      password: "{{ansible_ssh_pass}}"
      server_port: 8443
      validate_certs: no

      provider: "{{provider}}"
      state: "present"
      name: "{{hostvars[item[0]].inventory_hostname}}"
      host: "{{hostvars[item[0]].ansible_host}}"
      port: "80"
      pool: "{{item[1].pool_name}}"
      - "{{ groups['webservers'] }}"
      - "{{vips_pools}}"

Explanation of each line within the task: - name: ADD POOL MEMBERS is a user defined description that will display in the terminal output. - bigip_pool_member: tells the task which module to use. - The state: "present" parameter tells the module we want this to be added rather than deleted. - The name: "{{hostvars[item].inventory_hostname}}" parameter tells the module to use the inventory_hostname as the name (which will be host1 and host2). - The host: "{{hostvars[item].ansible_host}}"``parameter tells the module to add a web server IP address already defined in our inventory. - The ``pool:` parameter tells the module to put this node into a pool with name from the second list {{vips_pool}} - ``with_nested: tells the task to perform a nested loop over the provided list. The list in this case is the group webservers which includes two RHEL hosts and the list of virtuals

Step 5

Run the playbook - exit back into the command line of the control host and execute the following:

[student1@ansible ~]$ ansible-playbook bigip-pool-members.yml

Playbook Output

The output will look as follows.

[student1@ansible ~]$ ansible-playbook bigip-add-pool.yml

     PLAY [BIG-IP SETUP] *****************************************************************************************************************************************

     TASK [set_fact] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
     ok: [f5]

     TASK [ADD POOL MEMBERS] *************************************************************************************************************************************
     changed: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool', u'vs_name': u'vip', u'port': 8081}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool1', u'vs_name': u'vip1', u'port': 8082}])                                           8,5           All
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool2', u'vs_name': u'vip2', u'port': 8083}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool3', u'vs_name': u'vip3', u'port': 8084}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool4', u'vs_name': u'vip4', u'port': 8085}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool5', u'vs_name': u'vip5', u'port': 8086}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool6', u'vs_name': u'vip6', u'port': 8087}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool7', u'vs_name': u'vip7', u'port': 8088}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool8', u'vs_name': u'vip8', u'port': 8089}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool9', u'vs_name': u'vip9', u'port': 8090}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool10', u'vs_name': u'vip10', u'port': 8091}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool11', u'vs_name': u'vip11', u'port': 8092}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool12', u'vs_name': u'vip12', u'port': 8093}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool13', u'vs_name': u'vip13', u'port': 8094}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool14', u'vs_name': u'vip14', u'port': 8095}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host1', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool15', u'vs_name': u'vip15', u'port': 8096}])
     changed: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool', u'vs_name': u'vip', u'port': 8081}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool1', u'vs_name': u'vip1', u'port': 8082}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool2', u'vs_name': u'vip2', u'port': 8083}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool3', u'vs_name': u'vip3', u'port': 8084}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool4', u'vs_name': u'vip4', u'port': 8085}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool5', u'vs_name': u'vip5', u'port': 8086}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool6', u'vs_name': u'vip6', u'port': 8087}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool7', u'vs_name': u'vip7', u'port': 8088}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool8', u'vs_name': u'vip8', u'port': 8089}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool9', u'vs_name': u'vip9', u'port': 8090}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool10', u'vs_name': u'vip10', u'port': 8091}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool11', u'vs_name': u'vip11', u'port': 8092}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool12', u'vs_name': u'vip12', u'port': 8093}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool13', u'vs_name': u'vip13', u'port': 8094}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool14', u'vs_name': u'vip14', u'port': 8095}])
     ok: [f5] => (item=[u'host2', {u'pool_name': u'http-pool15', u'vs_name': u'vip15', u'port': 8096}])

Output parsing

Let’s use the bigip_device_info to collect the pool members on BIG-IP. JSON query is a powerful filter that can be used. Please go through before proceeding


[student1@ansible ~]$ nano display-pool-members.yml

Enter the following:

- name: "List pool members"
  hosts: lb
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local


  - set_fact:
      server: "{{private_ip}}"
      user: "{{ansible_user}}"
      password: "{{ansible_ssh_pass}}"
      server_port: 8443
      validate_certs: no

  - name: Query BIG-IP facts
      provider: "{{provider}}"
       - ltm-pools
    register: device_facts

  - name: "View complete output"
    debug: "msg={{device_facts}}"

  - name: "Show members belonging to pool"
    debug: "msg={{item}}"
    loop: "{{device_facts.ltm_pools | json_query(query_string)}}"
     query_string: "[?name=='http-pool'].members[*].name[]"
  • vars: in the module is defining a variable query_string to beused within the module itself
  • query_String will have the name of all members from pool name ‘http-pool’. query_string is defined to make it easier to read the entire json string

Execute the playbook

[student1@ansible ~]$ ansible-playbook display-pool-members.yml


[student1@ansible ~]$ ansible-playbook display-pool-member.yml

PLAY [List pool members] ************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Query BIG-IP facts] ***********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [f5]

TASK [Show members belonging to pool] ***********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [f5] => (item=host1:80) => {
    "msg": "host1:80"
ok: [f5] => (item=host2:80) => {
    "msg": "host2:80"

PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************************************************
f5                         : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0


The finished Ansible Playbook is provided here for an Answer key. Click here: bigip-pool-members.yml.

Verifying the Solution

Login to the F5 with your web browser to see what was configured. Grab the IP information for the F5 load balancer from the lab_inventory/hosts file, and type it in like so: https://X.X.X.X:8443/

Login information for the BIG-IP: - username: admin - password: provided by instructor defaults to ansible

The pool will now show two members (host1 and host2). Click on Local Traffic-> then click on Pools. Click on a particular pool to get more granular information. Click on the Members tab in the middle to list all the Members.

You have finished this exercise.