Log Formats¶
This document details the log formats for TMM, SPK Controller, and BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes CWC.
Log Format¶
The TMM logs include the version, log type, log level, Args, and message in key-value pair format.
May 10 08:44:32 f5-tmm-7f5d9dfbc5-nw2xp -l=6[13]: 014c0022:4: "v"="1.0";"lt"="U";"l"="warning";"IP"="";"Port"="8050";"m"="DIAMETER: Forced down pool member as BIG-IP received DPR from it"
Supported TMM Keys¶
The table below list the supported TMM keys:
Key Names | Description |
AccessPolicyName | Name of access policy. |
Action | Action to be taken like Policy binding, updation, deletion, allocate, clone, release, free, etc. |
ActivationID | ActivationID for policy binding. |
ActualValue | Common Key for the actual or current value for comparing with Min and Max Values. |
AgentName | Agent Name for HTTP. |
AlterdDestination | Altered Destination Address. |
ApplicationId | Diameter Application ID. |
ApprovedOrNot | Has a value: "approved" or "not approved". |
AttackID | Identifier to identify the attack. |
AttackName | Identifier to identify the name of an attack. |
AttackType | This is identified as the type of attack that will have values like Simulated, Enforced, DNS, NETWORK, etc. |
Attempts | Number of attempts like timer, heartbeat, routing, etc. |
AvpDetail | Diameter protocol AVP name and its length. |
AvpLength | Diameter protocol AVP length. |
AvpMaxLength | Diamter protocol AVP Max Length. |
BufferLength | Length of Buffer. |
Bus | PCI-e Bus. |
BZIP2Enabled | bzip2 data compressor enabled. |
CallID | PPTP Call Request/Start/End ID. |
Cause | Cause. |
CertificateName | Name of X509 certificate. |
ChannelKey | Plugin Channel Key. |
CipherSuiteID | Cipher Suite ID. |
CipherSuiteName | Cipher Suite Name. |
ClientStateName | ICAP client-facing state transition. |
Clientkey | SIP media flow creation client key |
CmpDestpg | CMP destination pg. |
CmpDestpu | CMP destination pu. |
CmpNodepg | CMP node pg. |
CmpNodepu | CMP node pu. |
CmpState | CMP state. |
CommonName | X509 certificates common name. |
ConcurrentSessionPerSubscriber | SIP protocol concurrent session per subscriber. |
ConfigAttribute | Diameter protocol configuration attribute. |
ConfiguredRouterProfileLimit | MRF(Message Routing Framework) Configured router profile limit. |
ConnFlow | Connection Flow which represents IP and port of endpoint. |
ConnectionFlowID | Connection flow ID. |
ConnFlowSide | Connflow side. Like: ServerSide or ClientSide. |
ConnectionReuseEnabled | iSession Enabled Connection Reuse. |
Connections | Syncookie embryonic connection counter. |
ConnectionCycles | Number of connection cycles. |
Connector | Connector protocol connector. |
Context | Context. |
ContextName | Context Name. |
ControlMessage | PPTP control message. |
CookieState | Cookie State. |
Count | Count. |
Counter | Standard Counter Counting some number. Like no of packets, messages, errors, etc. |
CustomizationName | Customization Name for Access Policy. |
DateCenter | Data Center Name. |
DatagroupName | Data group name. |
DBError | Database error. |
DebugLog | Log that gives info about the code flow status. |
DedupControlConnection | Dedup Control Connection. |
DedupEnabled | Dedup Enabled. |
DeflateEnabled | Deflate Enabled. |
Delay | Delay time in seconds. |
Detection | BDoS Detection. |
DeviceName | F5 Device Name. |
DNS | Domain Name Service. |
DNSCache | Domain Name Service Cache Name. |
DNSCacheType | Domain Name Service Cache Type. |
DNSQuery | Domain Name Service Query. |
DNSZoneName | Domain Name Service Zone Name. |
Domain | Service Based Interface Domain. |
DNSRecord | Domain Name Service DS Record. |
EndToEndId | Diameter protocol end to end header value. |
Error | Error code or Error Type. |
ErrorPhrase | Error Phrase. |
ErrorDescription | This is a generic keyname for error description. |
ErrorMessage | This is a generic keyname for error messages. |
Event | Generic key used for different events. |
EventType | Event type for configuration add/delete. |
ExternalEvent | External Event. |
ExpirationValue | Expiration Value. |
Feature | Feature Flag or feature. |
File | File name. |
FilterCount | Filter Count. |
FlowID | TMM connection flow ID. |
FlowRedirectStats | CMP flow redirect stats. |
Flowtype | Connection flow type. |
FlowIndex | Message Routing SIP Flow Index. |
FQDN | Fully qualified domain name. |
FQDNCatMask | FQDN IP interface cat mask. |
Fragments | IP fragments. |
FunctionName | Used when function name is used in the log message. |
GaugeLevel | Gauge level for diameter logs. |
GeoEventType | Sessiondb entry related event type sent though kafka. |
GenerationID | Generation ID. |
GeoMessageBrokerTmmLog | Geo redundancy tmm log. |
GUPI | iSession GUPI. |
HARole | HA Role will denote the role specified in the log. Like: active, standby, unknown, etc |
HeaderId | Header ID. |
HeaderLength | Header Length. |
HeaderName | Header Name. |
HeaderSize | Header size. |
HeaderType | Header Type. |
HeaderValue | Header Value. |
HigigData | CMP Higig Data. |
Histogram | Histogram. |
HistogramReferenceCount | Histogram Reference Count. |
HopByHopId | Diameter hop by hop ID header value. |
HSBModID | HSB module ID. |
HttpActionCode | HTTP Action Code for ev shutdown, abort, etc. |
HTTPContentEncoding | HTTP Content. |
HudMessageName | Hud Message Name. |
HudNode | Hud Node. |
ID | Identifier. |
Index | Index. |
Information | Information. |
InterfaceName | Interface name. |
IP | IP Address. |
IPHeaderLength | IP Header Length. |
IPProto | IP Proto. |
IPPORTSeperator | IPPort Seperator, in case of IPV4 it will be : and IPV6 it will be. |
iRuleEvent | iRule Event. |
iRuleName | iRule Name. |
iRuleAbortedLogRatio | iRule Aborted Log Ratio. |
Issuer | x509 certificate issuer Name. |
PCPInternalPort | PCP Internal Port. |
PCPExternalPort | PCP External Port. |
PCPInternalIP | PCP Internal IP. |
PCPExternalIP | PCP External IP. |
IVSName | Internal Virtual Server. |
IVSResultNumber | IVS Result Number. |
IVSResultName | IVS Result Name. |
IVSResultDesc | IVS Result Description. |
LBName | Load Balance Name. |
LBcName | GSLB LBc name. |
Length | Length |
LicenseTag | License Tag. |
Lifetime | Lifetime of a packet, message, etc. |
Line | Line number. |
LinkName | Link Name. |
LinkSpeed | Link Speed. |
Listener | Listener. |
LogDestination | Log Destination. Example: FsLog Destination, HSL Destination, Syslog Destination etc. |
LogDestinationRouteDomain | Log Destination Route Domain. |
LogMessageBuffer | Log Message Buffer. |
LogName | Log Name |
LZOEnabled | LZO Enabled. |
MacAddress | MAC Address. |
Master | Master |
MaxCacheControlHeaderCount | Max cache control header count configured. |
MaxHeaderSize | Maximum Header Size. |
MaxQueueData | Max Queue Data. |
MaximumLength | Maximum allowed bytes. |
MaxSessionTimeout | Maximum Session Timeout. |
MediaCount | Media Count |
MaxTCL | Maximum length of TCL script. |
MaxRegistration | Maximum Global Registration for subscribers. |
MaxRequests | Maximum no. of Requests. |
MaxRetries | Maximum Retries. |
MaxRegPerSubscriber | Maximum Registrations Per Subscriber. |
McpError | MCP Error |
MaxMediaSessions | Maximum Media Sessions. |
MemoryAllocationFailure | Memory allocation failure point. |
Message | Message. |
MessageID | MessageID. |
MessageLength | Length of Message. |
Method | Method |
MethodID | MethodID |
MinimumRequiredMode | off |
MinimumRequiredValue | Number or Percentage of pool members required. |
MinValue | Common Key for minimum value. |
Mode | Mode |
ModID | Hardware Mod ID. |
MonitorAgentName | Monitoring Agent Name. |
MPIKey | MPI key |
MRFlowID | MRFlow ID |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit |
Name | Name is used on multiple places as a generic key like operation name, device name, type of function name etc. |
NatRule | Nat Rule |
NeuronApp | Neuron App Name. |
NeuronClient | Neuron Client Name. |
NullEnabled | Null Enabled. |
NumberOfMessages | Number of Messages. |
Offset | Offset Value |
Oid | Object ID |
OperationCode | Operation Code |
OperationCodeName | Operation Code Name. |
OperatorTag | Operator Tags like Create, Add, Delete, etc. |
PCPOption | Option specific to PCP logs. |
Owner | Owner Name. Like NSEC3 owner name etc. |
OriginHost | Diamter origin-host AVP value. |
PacketLength | Packet Length |
Parent ID | Parent ID |
Path | Path is used to specify where error has occured. Like: /dev/shm/pktclass_nat etc. |
PayloadLength | Payload Length |
PayloadOffset | Payload Offset |
PayloadSize | Payload Size in bytes. |
PCPAnnounceType | PCP Announce Multicast Type. |
PCPMaxMappingLifetime | Min mapping lifetime. |
PCPMinMappingLiftetime | Max mapping lifetime. |
PeerDelay | Time taken by peer to respond. |
PeerDelayCriticalLimit | Configured Router profile limit. |
PeerEgressMessageRate | Peer Egress Message rate. |
PeerEgressMessageRateLimit | Configured Peer Egress Message rate limit. |
PeerIngressMessageRate | Peer Ingress message rate. |
PeerIngressMessageRateLimit | Configured Peer Ingress message rate limit. |
PeerName | Peer name |
PeerRole | Role of the Peer. Example: Active, Standby or Unknown. |
PeerTimeoutMajor | Configured Peer timeout major limit. |
PeerUuid | Peer Uuid |
PersistenceKey | Key used for the session persistence. |
PluginLog | Log related to plugins. |
PluginTag | Plugin Tag |
PodID | Pod ID |
PolicyItemName | Policy Item Name. |
PoolID | Pool ID |
PoolMember | Pool Member |
PoolMembers | PoolMembers |
PoolMemberList | Pool Member List |
PoolMemberGroup | Pool Member Group |
PoolMemberREM | Pool Member rem |
PoolMemberStatus | Status of the pool member - UP/DOWN |
PoolName | Pool name |
Port | Port |
PrefixLength | Prefix Length |
PrefixName | Prefix Name for PCP profile. |
Priority | Priority Number |
ProcessingGroup | Processing Group of TMM. |
ProfileFieldName | Name of the parameter in the profile. |
ProfileName | Profile Name |
ProfileOption | Profile Option |
ProfileUUID | Profile UUID |
Protocol | Protocol Name |
Proxy | Proxy |
QueueData | Queue Data |
RateLimitCount | Rate limit count |
Reason | Specific reason or any message specifying reason. |
RedisRequest | Request to Redis DB. |
RedisResponse | Response given by Redis DB. |
RedisResponseLength | Redis Response Length. |
RegEx | Regular Expression |
ReqID | Request ID |
ResolverDName | Resolver dname |
ResolverType | Resolver type |
ResolverNumrr | Resolver num_rr |
ResolverRCode | Resolver rcode |
ResolverExpires | Resolver Expires |
ResultCode | Diameter result code, DNS Result Code |
ResponseCode | Response Code |
RetransmissionNote | Diamter retranmission note |
RoutingAttempts | No. of Routing attempts. |
RouteDomain | Route Domain ID |
RouteDomainName | Route Domain Name. |
RouterName | Router Name |
RouterProfileName | Router Profile Name. |
RowName | tmstat row name. |
RRType | Load balance rrtype. |
RuleName | Rule Name |
RSTCauseInfo | Information related to RST Cause |
SecurityKey | Security key used for encryption. |
SelfIPName | SelfIPName |
SelfRole | Role of the Self Example: Active, Standby or unknown. |
SelfUuid | Self UUID |
Serial | Serial Number |
ServerName | Server Name |
ServerStateName | Server State Name |
ServerKey | Server Key |
SessionDBKey | SessionDB Key |
Signal | Signal ID or number |
SignatureName | TMM Signature Name. |
Size | Size |
SizeOfMessages | Size of messages. |
Slot | Slot is generic key used for Interface Slot or PCI Slot. |
SnatpoolName | Snatpool Name |
SplunkDestination | Splunk Destination |
SplunkSubDestination | Splunk Sub Destination |
SSLProfile | SSL Profile |
State | State is a generic key used for peer state or self state. |
Status | Status of the action. Example like Connected to TMM Database etc. |
StatusCode | StatusCode is generic key used to specify response Status Code from HTTP or ICAP. |
Stream | Stream |
SubnetLength | Subnet Length |
Subscriber | Subscriber |
SubscriberURI | Subscriber URI |
SynCache | Syn Cache |
SyncookieCounter | Syncookie Counter |
TableName | tmstat Table Name |
Tag | Generic keyname for tag like Headline Tag. |
TCLRule | Rule for TCL |
TCLRuleEvent | TCL rule event |
TCLScriptID | Plugin TCL Script ID |
TemplateID | IPFIX Template ID |
Threshold | Threshold Value |
ThresholdMode | Threshold Mode |
Time | Time in seconds, msec, etc. |
Timeout | Timeout in seconds, msec, etc. |
TimeSlot | Time Slot |
TMMDestinationID | TMM Destination ID |
TMMSourceID | TMM Source ID |
TmmThreadID | TMM Thread ID |
TotalActiveNPUs | Total Active NPUs |
TotalLength | Total Length in bytes. |
TotalMessages | Total MessagesGeoMessageBrokerTmmLog |
TrafficDirection | Traffic Direction like ingress or egress. |
TrafficGroupName | Traffic Group Name |
TrafficRate | Traffic Rate like packets/sec, msg/sec, bytes/sec. |
TrafficRateType | Traffic Rate Type |
TransmissionMode | Transmission Mode like Full Duplex, Half Duplex. |
TransportConfigName | Transport Config Name. |
TransportConfigType | Transport Config Type. |
TrunkMember | Trunk member |
TrunkName | Trunk Name |
TunnelName | Tunnel Name |
Type | This is a generic keyname for Type. Like type of connection, type of error etc. |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifiers, or UUIDS, are 128 bit numbers. |
Value | Value |
VectorState | Vector State. |
Version | Version is used for specifing the version of listener. Values will be like: V1, V2, (DUPLICATE) v1 etc. |
VGName | VLAN Group Name. |
VirtualServer | Virtual Server |
VirtualServerCount | Number of Virtual Servers. |
VlanMember | Vlan Member |
VlanMemberType | Vlan Member Type like Interface, Trunk, etc. |
VlanName | Vlan Name |
VlanPriority | Vlan Priority |
VlanTag | Vlan Tag. Like Outer Tag and Inner Tag |
VlanType | Vlan Type |
WOCDControlConnection | WOCD Control Connection |
DestinationAddress | Destination Address |
SourceAddress | Source Address |
DestinationAddressType | Type of Destination Address could be Primary / Secondary. |
DataType | Type of Data |
LocalAddress | Local Address |
RtdomID | RtdomID |
LocalPort | Local Port |
RemoteAddress | RemoteAddress |
RemotePort | Remote Port |
BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes Controller¶
The BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes Controller logs include the timestamp, log type, severity, version and message in key-value pair format.
Log Format¶
Timestamp | Log-Type | Severity | version | Message=""
2023-06-29 03:13:58.119|C|informational|1|CrKind=F5SPKIngressTCP|CrName=fastl4-nginx|AppNS=dp-apps|Event=CR|Operation=Add
2023-06-29 03:13:58.200|A|informational|1|Message="Adding CR event in sync queue: *v1.F5SPKIngressTCP"
Supported BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes Controller Keys¶
The table below list the supported BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes Controller keys:
Note: The table does not contain all BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes Controller keys. The complete list will be released in future versions.
Key Names | Description |
CrKind | CR Kind. Example: F5SPKIngressTCP, F5SPKIngressUDP, etc. |
CrName | CR Name. Example: ingress-tcp-1, ingress-udp-1, etc. |
CrVersion | CR Version |
AppNS | Application Namespace |
SvcName | User created Service Name. |
F5SvcName | Internally created Service Name. |
EndpointName | Endpoint Name |
Message | Log statement |
ControllerVersion | F5ingress controller version |
IP | IP Address |
Port | Port |
EventWatcher | Watcher for each CR per namespace. |
Event | CR, TMMPod, Service and Endpoint Events based on add/update/delete operations. |
Operation | Type of Operation like: Add, Update and Delete. |
Recipient | gRPC message recipients. Example: TMM, IPSD, PCCD |
SendConfig | Transport type between control plane and data plane. Example: gRPC |
ConfigBlocked | Based on license status, whether config is blocked or not. |
ManageSelfIP | SelfIPs being Added/Removed from TMM for vlan. |
AnnotateTMM | TMM pod annotations are being Added/Removed. |
ManageSnatpool | SnatPool being Added/Removed from TMM. |
CrStatus | Status of CR. Example: Deploying, Waiting, Success and Failed. |
BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes CWC¶
The BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes CWC logs include the timestamp, log type, severity, version and message in key-value pair format.
Log Format¶
Timestamp | Log-Type | Severity | version | Message=""
2023-05-26 06:58:02.691|A|informational|1|Message="Mode configured is connected"
Supported BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes CWC Key¶
The table below list the supported BIG-IP Next for Kubernetes CWC key:
Key Name | Description |
Message | Log statement |
Log Types¶
The table below list the supported log types:
Log Types | Description |
C | Compliance/Audit |
T | Transaction |
S | System |
U | User |
A | Application |
Log Levels / Severity Levels¶
The table below list the supported log level / severity levels:
Value | Log Level / Severity Level | Description |
0 | Emergency | System is unusable |
1 | Alert | Action must be taken immediately |
2 | Critial | Critical conditions |
3 | Error | Error conditions |
4 | Warning | Warning conditions |
5 | Notice | Normal but significant conditions |
6 | Informational | Informational messages |
7 | Debug | Debug-level messages |