
Use this section for common troubleshooting steps.

BIG-IP DO general troubleshooting tips

  • Examine the restnoded failure log at /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log (this is where BIG-IP DO records error messages)
  • Examine the REST response:
    • A 400-level response will carry an error message with it
    • If this message is missing, incorrect, or misleading, please let us know by filing an issue on Github.
    • Beginning with DO 1.34, the task ID is included in the DO log output.

Troubleshooting Index

Use this section for specific troubleshooting help.

I’m receiving an error when trying to resend a BIG-IP DO declaration with different VLANs, Self IPs and/or Route Domains

If you used BIG-IP DO to initially onboard a BIG-IP and did not specify unique (non-default) VLANs, Self IPs, or Route domains, you cannot re-POST a BIG-IP DO declaration to the same BIG-IP using different VLANs, Self IPs or Route Domains.

This is because when updating the configuration BIG-IP DO attempts to delete the initial configuration, and the default VLAN, Self IPs and Route domains cannot be deleted from the BIG-IP system. This will result in BIG-IP DO trying to rollback, which can fail, resulting in objects being left behind on the BIG-IP device. This can also occur if you did not use BIG-IP DO to onboard the BIG-IP, but later attempt to use BIG-IP DO to configure VLANs, Self IPs, and/or Route Domains.

If you want to onboard with BIG-IP DO and have non-default VLANs, Self IPs, or Route Domains, you must include these objects and values as a part of the initial onboarding declaration.

This is being tracked by GitHub issue #56.

I’m getting an unable to resolve host error

Domain name resolution is used anywhere the declaration accepts a hostname. BIG-IP DO makes sure that any hostnames are resolvable and fails if they are not. Check the hostname(s) in your declaration if you are receiving this error.

I can no longer find the BIG-IP DO source RPM on GitHub

Beginning with BIG-IP DO 1.8.0, the BIG-IP DO RPM, Postman collection, and checksum files are no longer located in the /dist directory in the BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding repository on GitHub. These files can be found on the GitHub Release, as Assets.

You can find historical files on GitHub by using the Branch drop-down, clicking the Tags tab, and then selecting the appropriate release.

How can I see HTTP status in a GET request?

In BIG-IP DO versions 1.8.0 and earlier, if there was a task that had an error, the GET response would return that error as the HTTP status.

In BIG-IP DO 1.9.0 and later, there is a new query parameter (statusCodes) that allows a GET request to return a 200 status code unless there is an actual error with the request. The results in the body of the response contain the status of the task. You can use statusCodes=legacy if you want the behavior in BIG-IP DO versions 1.8.0 and earlier as described above.

See GET on the HTTP Methods page for more information and usage options.

Why is my BIG-IP experiencing occasional high CPU usage and slower performance?

If your BIG-IP system seems to be using a high amount of CPU and degraded performance, you may be experiencing a known issue with the restjavad daemon. This is an issue with the underlying BIG-IP framework, and not an issue with BIG-IP DO.

More information
Restjavad may become unstable if the amount of memory required by the daemon exceeds the value allocated for its use. The memory required by the restjavad daemon may grow significantly in system configurations with either a high volume of device statistics collection (AVR provisioning), or with a large number of LTM objects managed by the REST framework (SSL Orchestrator provisioning). The overall system performance is degraded during the continuous restart of the restjavad daemon due to high CPU usage.

Increase the memory allocated for the restjavad daemon (e.g. 2 GB), you can either use the declaration shown in Increasing the memory allocated to the restjavad daemon, OR by running the following commands in a BIG-IP terminal.

tmsh modify sys db restjavad.useextramb value true
tmsh modify sys db provision.extramb value 2048
bigstart restart restjavad

Why am I seeing a behavior change for allowService on a self IP address in DO 1.36?

BIG-IP DO 1.36.0 introduced a behavior change: The default value for allowService on a self IP address changed from default to none. DO will present a warning in the response whenever DO receives a declaration that creates or modifies a self IP. See Self IP class for more information and self IP options.

This change helps DO be more secure and consistent with TMSH.

Why isn’t my clustering declaration working?

If you are experiencing difficulties getting clustering configured using Declarative Onboarding, use the following troubleshooting tips.

When configuring a cluster using Declarative Onboarding, we recommend using new BIG-IPs (using new virtual machines if applicable).

If your declaration does not work as expected, review the declaration and confirm all machines in the cluster can reach the remoteHost FQDN or IP address. DNS or other network limitations can cause issues on newer network setups.

If the declaration appears correct and all machines in the cluster can reach the remoteHost, but you are still receiving failures, try one of the following methods.

  1. Send the declaration to a new BIG-IP device (most easily done in a virtual environment).

  2. Reset the BIG-IP device by performing the following on whichever is device is failing.

    • Clear the DO config (to prevent subsequent DO runs from having inaccurate information to work from):

      • Send a GET request to https://host/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/config.
      • Copy the id value from the response.
      • Send a DELETE request to https://host/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/config/id_value. If the DELETE was successful, you receive [] as the response.
      • Confirm the deletion by sending a GET request to https://host/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/config You should receive [] as the response.
    • Send the cluster declaration again.

After trying these steps, if the declaration still does not work as expected, we recommend opening a GitHub issue.