HTTP Methods

This section contains the current HTTP methods available with BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding.


To send your declaration, use the POST method to the URI https://<BIG-IP>/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding and put your declaration in the body of the post. If successful, you see a success message, and the system echoes your declaration back to you.


If you are using a single NIC BIG-IP system, you must include port 8443 after your IP address in your POST: https://<BIG-IP>:8443/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding

The first time you POST a BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding declaration, the system records the configuration that exists prior to processing the declaration. If you POST subsequent declarations to the same BIG-IP system, and leave out some of the properties you initially used, the system restores the original properties for those items.

NOTE: When using BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding 1.4.0 and later, the response to a POST includes additional fields that help identify asynchronous BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding tasks. These fields are id and selfLink. For example, a POST using 1.4.0 returns the following:

     "id": "d1f131b6-9e93-49a5-9fed-a068d34e274a",
     "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/task/d1f131b6-9e93-49a5-9fed-a068d34e274a",
     "result": {
         "class": "Result",
         "code": 202,
         "status": "RUNNING",
         "message": "processing"
     "declaration": {}


You can use the GET method to retrieve the status of declarations you previously sent to BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding. Use the GET method to the URI https://<BIG-IP>/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding. Only declarations you create in BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding return, GET does not return anything that was not created by BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding.


If you are using a single NIC BIG-IP system, you must include port 8443 after your IP address in your GET: https://<BIG-IP>:8443/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding

GET query parameters

You can use the following optional URL query parameters with a GET request.

The statusCodes parameter is only available in BIG-IP DO 1.9.0 and later.

Query Parameter Options Description/Notes
show full Using ?show=full retrieves the original and current configuration.
statusCodes legacy, experimental In DO 1.9.0+, using statusCodes determines how DO returns HTTP status codes. Legacy is the default, the GET response will return any errors as the HTTP status. With experimental, a GET request returns a 200 HTTP status code unless there is an actual error with the request. The results in the body of the response contain the status of the task.


  • https://MGMT_IP/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding?show=full
    BIG-IP DO returns the original and current configuration.
  • https://MGMT_IP/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding?statusCodes=legacy
    If there is an error, the GET response would return that error as the HTTP status, but the GET request itself would not error.
  • https://MGMT_IP/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding?statusCodes=experimental
    Returns a 200 HTTP status code unless there is an issue with the request. The results contain the status.

Additional endpoints for GET

BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding v1.4 introduced two new endpoints for the GET method

  • /shared/declarative-onboarding/task with optional /<taskId> If you do not specify a taskId, BIG-IP DO returns an array of all tasks. If you use the taskId, BIG-IP DO returns the specific task. The response looks like that for the POST response.

    For example, sending a GET to the /task endpoint looks like the following when the task is in progress:

         "id": "da2dea41-878d-4221-9c5b-599ac75def9c",
         "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/task/da2dea41-878d-4221-9c5b-599ac75def9c",
         "result": {
             "class": "Result",
             "code": 202,
             "status": "RUNNING",
             "message": "processing"
         "declaration": {

When the task has completed, you see the code, status and message change:

         "id": "da2dea41-878d-4221-9c5b-599ac75def9c",
         "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/task/da2dea41-878d-4221-9c5b-599ac75def9c",
         "result": {
             "class": "Result",
             "code": 200,
             "status": "OK",
             "message": "success"
         "declaration": {

  • /shared/declarative-onboarding/config/<machineId> Returns the original configuration of the specified device (identified by device machineId), or all devices if no machineId is given. This endpoint is for informational/debugging purposes only, and is not something you need in the day-to-day use of BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding.

Example response from sending GET to /shared/declarative-onboarding/config:

    "id": "565916cc-f143-46b1-be25-56cb764ff635",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/config/565916cc-f143-46b1-be25-56cb764ff635",
    "result": {
        "class": "Result",
        "code": 200,
        "status": "OK",
        "message": "",
        "errors": []
    "parsed": true,
    "Common": {
        "hostname": "",
        "Provision": {
            "afm": "none",
            "am": "none",
            "apm": "none",
            "asm": "none",
            "avr": "none",
            "dos": "none",
            "fps": "none",
            "gtm": "none",
            "ilx": "none",
            "lc": "none",
            "ltm": "nominal",
            "pem": "none",
            "swg": "none",
            "urldb": "none"
        "NTP": {
            "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
        "DNS": {
            "nameServers": [
            "search": [
        "VLAN": {},
        "SelfIp": {},
        "Route": {},
        "ConfigSync": {
            "configsyncIp": "none"

Using GET with the /inspect endpoint

In BIG-IP DO version 1.7.0 and later, you can use a GET request to the /inspect endpoint to retrieve the current BIG-IP configuration. This information can be used for modifying the BIG-IP DO declaration before the first POST. The response returns the classes BIG-IP DO is aware of and their current state, in the format of a BIG-IP DO declaration.

The full endpoint is https://MGMT_IP/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/inspect

You can use the following optional URL query parameters with a GET request to the /inspect endpoint:

Query Parameter Options Description/Notes
targetHost IP or string targetHost allows you to specify the IP address or domain name of the host from which you want to retrieve the current configuration. If you do not use this parameter, localhost is used.
targetPort integer The port for the targetHost (min=0, max=65535). The default value is either 443 or 8443; if no targetPort value is provided, DO tries to establish a connection to the host using one of these ports).
targetUsername string The username for the targetHost. The default is admin
targetPassword string The password for the targetHost. The default is admin


  • https://MGMT_IP/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/inspect
    BIG-IP DO will try to fetch configuration from localhost (allowed only when running on BIG-IP).
  • https://MGMT_IP/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/inspect?targetHost=X.X.X.X
    BIG-IP DO will try to fetch configuration from host X.X.X.X, port 443 or 8443, username === admin and password === admin
  • https://MGMT_IP/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/inspect?targetHost=X.X.X.X&targetPort=443&targetUsername=ZZZ&targetPassword=AAA
    BIG-IP DO will try to fetch configuration from host X.X.X.X, port 443, username === ZZZ and password === AAA

Example response from a GET request to the /inspect endpoint:

         "id": 0,
         "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/inspect",
         "result": {
             "class": "Result",
             "code": 200,
             "status": "OK",
             "message": "",
             "errors": []
         "declaration": {
             "class": "DO",
             "declaration": {
                 "class": "Device",
                 "schemaVersion": "1.7.0",
                 "Common": {
                     "class": "Tenant",
                     "hostname": "localhost.localhostdomain",
                     "currentProvision": {
                         "afm": "none",
                         "am": "none",
                         "apm": "none",
                         "asm": "none",
                         "avr": "none",
                         "dos": "none",
                         "fps": "none",
                         "gtm": "none",
                         "ilx": "none",
                         "lc": "none",
                         "ltm": "nominal",
                         "pem": "none",
                         "swg": "none",
                         "urldb": "none",
                         "class": "Provision"
                     "currentNTP": {
                         "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
                         "class": "NTP"
                     "currentDNS": {
                         "nameServers": [
                         "search": [
                         "class": "DNS"

Possible error codes when using the /inspect endpoint

Code Message explanation
408 Request Timeout BIG-IP DO unable to return declaration after 60sec.
412 Precondition failed BIG-IP DO unable to verify declaration produced by Inspect Handler (/inspect).
400 Bad Request Query or query parameters are invalid.
403 Forbidden BIG-IP DO should be executed on BIG-IP or the user should specify target* parameter(s).
409 Conflict BIG-IP DO cannot provide valid declaration because some of the objects share the same name (for instance VLAN and SelfIp can share internal name). Response stills contain declaration which contains INVALID items (suffixed with INVALID_X). See the following example.

Example of the response for error 409

         "id": 0,
         "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding/inspect",
         "code": 408,
         "status": "ERROR",
         "message": "Conflict",
         "errors": [
             "Declaration contains INVALID items (suffixed with INVALID_X)"
         "result": {
             "class": "Result",
             "code": 408,
             "status": "ERROR",
             "message": "Conflict",
             "errors": [
                 "Declaration contains INVALID items (suffixed with INVALID_X)"
         "declaration": {
             "class": "DO",
             "declaration": {
                 "class": "Device",
                 "schemaVersion": "1.7.0",
                 "Common": {
                     "class": "Tenant",
                     "hostname": "at-13-1-4.localhost",
                     "internal_INVALID_1": {
                         "mtu": 1500,
                         "tag": 4092,
                         "cmpHash": "default",
                         "interfaces": [
                                 "name": "1.3",
                                 "tagged": false
                         "class": "VLAN"
                     "internal_INVALID_2": {
                         "trafficGroup": "traffic-group-local-only",
                         "vlan": "internal",
                         "address": "",
                         "allowService": "none",
                         "class": "SelfIp"