F5 BIG-IQ Centralized Management Lab > BIG-IQ All Labs Source | Edit on
Class 1: BIG-IQ Application Management and AS3¶
In this class, we will review the application management feature available with BIG-IQ 6.0 and above.
Manage app services programmatically with Application Services 3 Extension (AS3) and BIG-IQ:
- Create, import, and edit AS3 templates to use in deploying application services through a declarative model to managed devices from the BIG-IQ graphical user interface.
- Use BIG-IQ with AS3 templates to support standard, declarative app services and security policies for BIG-IP configuration to accelerate app deployment, ensure consistency, and increase app deployment flexibility.
- Support infrastructure-as-code with cloud templates and the creation and centralized management of BIG-IP via BIG-IQ in any environment.
- Automate and centrally manage advanced application services as part of the F5 Automation Toolchain.
- Enhanced visibility of applications deployed over multiple environments
- BIG-IQ now supports the creation, visibility, and management of applications deployed across multiple devices, clouds, and data centers.
- Allows for enhanced management capabilities of all DNS and HTTP instances of an application deployment, including those configured with AS3.
- Enables the system administrator to specify user access and management permissions to the application deployments.
- Module 1: Personas (users with roles)
- Module 2: BIG-IQ Application Templates & Deployment with AS3 using the API
- Module 3: BIG-IQ Application Templates & Deployment with AS3 using the UI
- Module 4: Multi-Tier/Multi-Cloud Application Visibility
- Module 5: Limit available devices for AS3 Application Services (new 7.1)
- Module 6: Visibility for Legacy applications in the Applications tab (new 7.1)