F5 BIG-IQ Centralized Management Lab > BIG-IQ All Labs > Class 1: BIG-IQ Application Management and AS3 Source | Edit on
Module 4: Multi-Tier/Multi-Cloud Application VisibilityΒΆ
BIG-IQ applications are now collections of application services. By combining these individual services into a single application, you can visualize and manage the aggregation of these services to get a full application view across multiple cloud environments, tiers, or geographies. You can also drill down into the individual services that make up the application to get more specific views and analytics to determine the health and performance of each part of the Application.
This feature will allow customers to visualize:
- Applications fronted by BIG-IP DNS with services in multiple data centers / clouds (see documentation available on the F5 Knowledge Center)
- Applications where security services are provided by different BIG-IPs
- Applications groupings that support an overall service