7. Results

  1. From the Workstation command prompt type “dig www.f5demo.com”

  2. Observe WIDEIP statistics on dns.sitea: Statistics ›› Module Statistics : DNS : GSLB ›› Wide IPs : www.wip.f5demo.com : A

    ../../_images/gtm1_site1_wideip_statistics_flyout.png ../../_images/gtm1_site1_wideip_statistics_detail.png


    tmsh show gtm wideip a www.wip.f5demo.com

  3. Observe WIDEIP statistics on dns.siteb: Statistics ›› Module Statistics : DNS : GSLB ›› Wide IPs : www.wip.f5demo.com : A

  4. Disable physical interfaces on dns.siteb:


    TMSH command to run on only dns.siteb:


    tmsh modify net interface all disabled

  5. Refresh statistics on dns.sitea and make sure DNS requests are still resolving.

  6. Re-enable interfaces on dns.siteb, disable interfaces on dns.sitea. Observe statistics on dns.siteb and make sure DNS requests are still resolving.

    TMSH command to run on only dns.siteb:


    tmsh modify net interface all enabled

  7. Observe pool statistics on dns.siteb: Statistics ›› Module Statistics : DNS : GSLB ›› Pools : www.f5demo.com_pool : A



    show gtm pool a www.f5demo.com_pool

  8. Re-enable interfaces on dns.sitea

    TMSH command to run on only dns.sitea:


    tmsh modify net interface all enabled

  9. Using Putty, ssh into dns.sitea and run the following command to watch logs:


    tail -f /var/log/ltm