F5 Distributed Cloud > F5 Distributed Cloud - Advanced Bot Security Source | Edit on
Lab 2: Basic Attack Automation¶
Run this lab from the JUMPHOST
In this lab we will be utilizing the automation toolkit known as OpenBullet and taking on the role of a credential stuffing attacker. This is a flexible application that allows you to easily create credential stuffing and scraping attacks. This will assist you in further understanding the tools available to “bad actors” to launch highly effective attacks on unprotected sites.
We will start with a simple approach, this method does not use a full browser, no javascript is run rather it makes curl like requests.
Launch OpenBullet from the desktop of your Lab Jumphost
Navigate to Configs -> Manager -> New Give it a name “Basic Credential Stuffing” and Accept. Double click to edit this item.
This screen is where we will build the logic for OpenBullet to follow. It works by adding configurable “blocks” on the left hand side which can be tested in realtime via the right hand side debugging window. We will start building our first configuration.
Add a new REQUEST block. Configure URL as http://namespace.lab-sec.f5demos.com/user/vipsignin ensure Method is GET. While not strictly necessary this will be used to show how to capture and reuse information.
Hit Start to run the debugger and switch to the Log view. Now at the bottom we will search for “CSRF” this was the token we saw earlier in the POST requests. The next step we will parse the token out.
6. Add a new PARSE block. Configure Var/Cap Name as “CSRF” CASE SENSITIVE. !!! For this step an issue has been identified copy & pasting these values from the lab document via RDP. They seem to lose escape characters. Ensure you find and copy them from the LOG window as seen in the previous step!!! ** then for the **Left String we use <input id=”csrf_token” name=”csrf_token” type=”hidden” value=” and Right String we use “> Check ENC. OUTPUT. This will capture the token between the left and right strings and store it in a variable named CSRF for future use.
Add a new REQUEST block. Configure URL as http://namespace.lab-sec.f5demos.com/user/vipsignin ensure Method is POST. In the POST DATA Field use the follow exactly: email=<USERNAME>&password=<PASSWORD>&csrf_token=<CSRF> The information within <> brackets are variables and will be filled in at runtime. Now fill in the credentials john.smith@nobody.com:test123 in the DATA field and ensure Credentials is the method selected. Now hit Start, switch to HTML View and we should see the bot was successfully able to log into the account.
Next we want to ensure we identify when the login was successful and to capture the secret word.
Add a new KEY CHECK block. Click the Keychain + button twice. Now in the first entry this will be to determine success we will look in the page source for the follow string. Click the Key + button once for each new Keychain and enter “Login Successful” in the indicated field. For the second block we will use this for failure. Change the type to FAILURE and enter “Incorrect Details” into the indicated field.
Add a new PARSE block. Configure Var/Cap Name as “SECRET” and click “IS CAPTURE”. Then for the Left String we use SECRET !!! and Right String we use !!! This will capture and save the value to the log during an attack. Ensure your configuration is SAVED.
Now its time to run a large credential stuffing attack!
Switch to the RUNNER menu. Choose NEW and click on the entry to edit it.
Choose 3 Bots, this will run 3 checks in parallel, Click SELECT CFG and choose the configuration we just created Basic Credential Stuffing, click SELECT LIST and choose LAB1-COMBOLIST and lastly hit START and watch the attack begin. If you need to rerun the test you need to reset the start count to 1 (Used if you have a very long credential list)
Now you can see the attack running in realtime on the left hand side and on the right hand side it will show any of the successful attempts.
Additionally we can go to the distributed cloud dashboard outside of the RDP Jumphost. Click on Web App & API Protection then Dashboards and then Security Dashboard. Scroll down and select <namespace>-lb under Load Balancers and explore using the Bot Defense tab at the top right of the dashboard.
End of Lab 2: This concludes Lab 2, feel free to review and test the configuration.