Lab 3 (OPTIONAL): Pull and run a Docker image from our private Docker Registry

If you want some practice with Docker, this task is an excellent opportunity to practice basic Docker commands. In this task, we will pull and run a docker container on our Staging server, a “Docker host.”

We will pull an image from our private docker registry, run a container, and use volumes to persist data.


For more self-paced, hands-on-tutorial, try out the Docker 101 tutorial

  1. Open an SSH Shell to the Staging Server using git bash for windows.

    Git Bash is a bash shell emulator, similar to what you see natively on Linux and Unix machines. If the git console font is too small to read, use Ctrl+ “+” to increase the font

    Once git bash for windows is open, run the following command to SSH into the Staging server:

    ssh centos@
  2. The web shell will open as centos user. Make sure you are in in the provided project folder with NGINX Plus configurations in /home/centos/nginx-plus-docker-base

    cd ~/nginx-plus-docker-base
  3. Pull an image from our private docker registry using the docker pull command. Run the following command below to pull our NGINX Plus image built on Alpine Linux 3.10, if you want to run another image, you can copy the Docker image location from the Gitlab Container registry page from the nginx-plus-dockerfiles repository

    docker pull

Which should produce the following output:

alpine3.10: Pulling from f5-demo-lab/nginx-plus-dockerfiles
4167d3e14976: Already exists
d515ef1b2c63: Pull complete
72886512006a: Pull complete
7f39e3ca1721: Pull complete
ea3c7cd8c3af: Pull complete
7385769c7c40: Pull complete
Status: Downloaded newer image for
  1. Run a container using the downloaded docker image from the previous step. We will also map ports 9000 and 9080 on the docker host to ports 80 and 8080 on the container, and also mount the local nginx configurations to the container

    docker run --name test -d -p 9000:80 -p 9080:8080 -v $PWD/etc/nginx:/etc/nginx
  2. You can see the container is running on the mapped ports. When running docker ps you may see it running alongside other containers. The first value is the CONTAINER ID we will need this value later to shut down the container

    docker ps
  3. We can now test the NGINX Plus container by making a HTTP request using curl. We should get our test reponse page back:

    curl -L

Which should produce the following output:

Status code: 200
Server address:
Server name: c3dbc2f22505
Date: 04/Mar/2020:17:36:06 +0000
User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
URI: /
Request ID: 6ab36225f5a958350154a90da2145030
  1. After finishing testing, we can now stop the container using docker stop [CONTAINER NAME]. Since we named our container test, we can stop and remove this container using the following command:

    docker stop test
    docker rm test
  2. When we run docker ps again you will see that the container is no longer running

    docker ps