Threat Stack API

Threat Stack offers two types of APIs – Webhooks API and RESTful API.

  • The Webhooks API pushes trigger-based alerts to a specific URL and allows Threat Stack users to operationalize the alerts in near-real time.
  • The RESTful API allows the user to write queries to access Threat Stack information about organization-specific security concerns.

Webhook API

Webhooks allow Threat Stack users to send trigger-based alerts to a specific URL and operationalize the alert data in near-real time. Threat Stack sends alert details in JSON format through HTTPS Post. A third-party service – such as Slack, Zapier,, or IFTTT – to integrate Threat Stack Alert Webhooks into your existing applications and workflows


To view the Webhook configuration, you can find these in the Threat Stack UI > Settings > Integrations


Webhook sends alerts through HTTPS POST, the Webhook URL must be HTTPS.



Challenge 2Review Webhook

  1. Navigate to the Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform:
  2. Select Settings > Integrations in the navigation bar
  3. Scroll to the Webhook API section
  4. Click this link to review the events sent to Request Bin:


The Threat Stack API using RESTful principles with predictable, resource-oriented URL, and Response Codes. The Threat Stack API manages endpoints via the standard HTTP methods.

All requests for the API use the same host:


Configuring API Environment

The variables below are required to authenticate against the Threat Stack Security Platform using HAWK Authentication. This section generalizes the parameters, but each section below specifies its proper application per configuration.


Environmental Variables

Let’s begin by gather these variables, you can find these in the Threat Stack UI > Settings > Application Keys

Key variables and their meaning

  • TS_USER_ID / HAWK Auth ID - User ID of the API key holder
  • TS_API_KEY / HAWK Auth Key - API key for the user specified by TS_USER_ID
  • TS_ORGANIZATION_ID / HAWK Ext - Organization ID of the organization to access


We recommend using our UDF Linux Host but any host with python will work.


Challenge 3Configure API & First Request

  1. Clone a copy of Threat Stack API Scripts from GitHub:
  1. Install Python Script Requirements

You might have to install pip3 if the instance (or local machine) doesn’t have it.


sudo apt install python3-pip

  1. Navigate to the clone GitHub directory, specifically GetAllAgents.
  1. Edit the threatstack.cfg.sample to update [USER_INFO] and [DEFAULT] with your TS_USER_ID, TS_API_KEY, and TS_ORG_ID.
  1. Rename threatstack.cfg.sample to threatstack.cfg in the same directory
  1. Run it!
