Last updated on: 2023-05-25 08:49:13.

QKView Command Output

The QKView resource provides access to different aspects of an uploaded QKView, both to data originally contained within the QKView and to data that the iHealth servers generate upon receipt of a QKView, as well as available metadata about a QKView. There are methods to retrieve Diagnostic output, command output, individual files from within the QKView, metadata associated with the QKView, as well as configuration, licensing, hardware, and software details. All these methods use a common RESTful base address, and in addition, may have parameterized options.

Command Output

Command output is limited at this time to only a subset of the commands available on a BIG-IP. More commands may be seen in the web UI, and work is being done to expand the commands available via the API. The commands in a QKView are part of a collection, and are referenced by a hash. The list of commands can be obtained via the commands method:
curl -H"Authorization: Bearer {auth token}" -H"Accept: application/vnd.f5.ihealth.api" --user-agent "MyGreatiHealthClient" -o -<qkview_id>/commands

This method returns a data structure that contains a list of the following elements:
<command id="<id_hash>"><commandline></command>

The contents of each individual command may be obtained by asking for it directly:
curl -H"Authorization: Bearer {auth token}" -H"Accept: application/vnd.f5.ihealth.api" --user-agent "MyGreatiHealthClient" -o -<qkview_id>/commands/<id_hash>

Multiple commands may be retrieved at once by sending a comma separated list of hash references:
curl -H"Authorization: Bearer {auth token}" -H"Accept: application/vnd.f5.ihealth.api" --user-agent "MyGreatiHealthClient" -o -<qkview_id>/commands?resources=<id_hash>[,<id_hash>,<id_hash>]

Each command will contain the following attributes:
  • @id, the hash reference of the command
  • @name, the commandline
  • @status, indicating the final status of the command retreival request, with the following semantics:
    • 0 - command successfully sent
    • 1 - command output could not be generated, or was not found, or was empty

The body of each command element is a base64 encoded representation of the command output, and must be base64 decoded in order to see the actual command output.