Last updated on: 2023-05-25 08:49:13.

QKView Files

The QKView resource provides access to different aspects of an uploaded QKView, both to data originally contained within the QKView and to data that the iHealth servers generate upon receipt of a QKView, as well as available metadata about a QKView. There are methods to retrieve Diagnostic output, command output, individual files from within the QKView, metadata associated with the QKView, as well as configuration, licensing, hardware, and software details. All these methods use a common RESTful base address, and in addition, may have parameterized options.


The files in a QKView are part of a collection, and are referenced by a hash. The list of files can be obtained via the files method:
curl -H"Authorization: Bearer {auth token}" -H"Accept: application/vnd.f5.ihealth.api" --user-agent "MyGreatiHealthClient" -o -<qkview_id>/files

This method returns a data structure that contains a list of the following elements:
<file id="<id_hash>"><file_path></file>

The contents of each individual file may be obtained by asking for it directly, and the response will contain an application/octet-stream attachment. Set you Accept header accordingly to application/octet-stream.
curl -H"Authorization: Bearer {auth token}" -H"Accept: application/octet-stream" --user-agent "MyGreatiHealthClient" -o -<qkview_id>/files/<id_hash>

You may retrieve the original QKView file itself by using “qkview” as the file name, like so:
curl -H"Authorization: Bearer {auth token}" -H"Accept: application/octet-stream" --user-agent "MyGreatiHealthClient" -o -<qkview_id>/files/qkview

This qkview may not precisely match what was originally obtained from your BIG-IP device, as the iHealth servers perform some privacy checks on the original file prior to performing any processing, and the original qkview file is overwritten with the post-privacy check qkview file.