CNFs Artifacts Via F5 Artifact Registry


The Cloud-Native Network Functions (CNFs) helm charts, docker images, and other utilities are now available via F5 Artifact Registry (FAR) at FAR is accessible to all, but only users with a valid Service Account Key can download and install the artifacts.

This document details the procedures for downloading a Service Account Key and Manifest file, and using the Service Account Key to download and install CNFs Helm charts, docker images, and other utilities into the cluster from FAR (


Ensure you have:

  • A workstation with Helm v3.8.0 or higher installed.


1. Download Service Account Key and Manifest File

To download the Service Account Key and Manifest file, do the following:

  • Login to the MyF5.

    _images/spk_info.png Note: You must have an MyF5 account to login.

    Once you login, you get TGZ file.

    For Example: cnf-far-x.x.x.tgz

    The TGZ file contains:

    a. Service Account Key: This is Service Account Key in base64 format, used for logging into FAR.

    b. manifest.yaml file: Contains names and version numbers of all CNFs Helm charts and docker images.

    Example of manifest.yaml file for version 1.3.0:

     f5_helm_repo: oci://
            - name: charts/cwc
              version: 0.14.15-0.0.6
            - name: utils/cert-gen
              version: 0.9.2
            - name: charts/f5-cert-manager
              version: 0.22.22-0.0.2
            - name: charts/f5-crdconversion
              version: 0.9.4-0.0.3
            - name: charts/f5-dssm
              version: 0.67.7-0.0.1
            - name: charts/f5-cnf-crds-n6lan
              version: 0.161.0-0.1.2
            - name: charts/f5-toda-fluentd
              version: 1.23.36
            - name: charts/f5ingress
              version: v0.480.0-0.1.30
            - name: utils/f5nxtctl
              version: 0.1.19
            - name: charts/rabbitmq
              version: 0.2.8-0.0.2
            - name: images/cert-manager-cainjector
              version: 2.2.3
            - name: images/cert-manager-controller
              version: 2.2.3
            - name: images/cert-manager-ctl
              version: 2.2.3
            - name: images/cert-manager-webhook
              version: 2.2.3
            - name: images/crd-conversion
              version: v1.53.3
            - name: images/crdupdater
              version: v0.4.12

2. Install Helm charts

Following are the two different procedures described to install the Helm charts. Perform the steps mentioned in either Procedure 1 or procedure 2 to complete the installation.

Note: Perform any one of the following procedures

Procedure 1: Download CNF Helm charts, Docker Images and other Utilities

Do the following steps to download CNFs Helm charts, Docker Images and other Utilities:

  1. Do Helm Login to download Helm charts from FAR:

    cat <service_account_key_base64 file> | helm registry login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin

    In this example, cne_pull-base64.json is the Service Account Key.

    cat cne_pull_64.json | helm registry login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin
  2. Run Helm Pull command to pull the Helm charts from FAR:

    helm pull oci://<path of Helm chart> --version <version of Helm chart>  

    In this example, charts/f5ingress is the path for pulling f5ingress Helm chart and its version is vv0.480.0 as retrieved from the manifest.yaml file.

    helm pull oci:// --version v0.480.0 
  3. Perform Utilities Pull to pull the other utilities from FAR:

    helm pull oci://<path of Utilities> --version <version of Utility> 

    In this example, utils/f5nxtctl is the path for pulling f5nxtctl utility and its version is v0.1.19 as retrieved from the manifest.yaml file.

    helm pull oci:// --version 0.1.19
  4. Perform Docker Login to download docker images from FAR:

    cat <service_account_key_base64 file> | docker login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin <URL of F5 Artifact Registry>

    In this example, cne_pull_64.json is the same Service Account Key.

    cat cne_pull_64.json | sudo docker login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin
  5. Perform Docker Pull to pull the docker images from FAR:

    docker pull<path of Docker Image>:<version of Docker Image> 

    In this example, images/rabbit is the path for pulling rabbit docker image and its version is v0.4.12 as retrieved from the manifest.yaml file.

    docker pull

Procedure 2: Install Helm charts using imagePullSecrets

The imagePullSecrets feature is used to securely install helm chart from a FAR directly into a cluster by using the Service Account Key from the TGZ file as authentication credentials.

Following are the steps to install helm chart directly from FAR into a cluster:

  1. Do Helm Login, as shown in Step 1 of Procedure 1: Download CNFs Helm charts, Docker Images and other Utilities section.

  2. Perform Docker Login to download docker images as shown in step 4 of Procedure 1: Download CNFs Helm charts, Docker Images and other Utilities section.

  3. Copy and paste the below bash script into a .sh file and run it.

    _images/spk_info.png Note: The bash script here is using cne_pull_64.json as a Service Account Key. This script is written for Linux. Remove -w 0 as arguments to base64 from the script when using on Mac.

    # Read the content of pipeline.json into the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY variable
      SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY=$(cat cne_pull_64.json)
    # Create the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_K8S_SECRET variable by appending "_json_key_base64:" to the base64 encoded SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY
      SERVICE_ACCOUNT_K8S_SECRET=$(echo "_json_key_base64:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY}" | base64 -w 0)
    # Create the secret.yaml file with the provided content
      cat << EOF > far-secret.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: far-secret
      .dockerconfigjson: $(echo "{\"auths\": {\
    {\"auth\": \"$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_K8S_SECRET\"}}}" | base64 -w 0)

    The far-secret.yaml secret file will be generated according to the secret name provided in the bash script.

  4. Apply far-secret.yaml secret file to the namespace where you want to install the helm chart:

    kubectl create -f far-secret.yaml -n <namespace>  

    In this example the far-secret.yaml secret is install to the demo-ns Project.

    kubectl create -f far-secret.yaml -n demo-ns  
  5. Create a Helm values file named fluentd_values.yaml, and set the imageCredentials and image.repository parameters to install the helm chart from FAR:

      name: far-secret    
  6. Install the helm chart:

    helm install <release name> oci://<path of helm chart> --version <version number> -f <values>.yaml

    In this example, charts/f5-toda-fluentd is the path for installing f5-toda-fluentd helm chart its version is 1.23.36, values file is fluentd_values.yaml (Created in Step 3).

    helm install f5-fluentd oci:// --version 1.23.36 -f fluentd_values.yaml
  7. Verify the status of the helm chart:

    kubectl get pods -n demo-ns   

    In this example, the f5-toda-fluentd is Running.

    NAME                               READY   STATUS   RESTARTS   AGE  
    f5-toda-fluentd-6fcdb48d8b-4dkcc   1/1     Running         0    9s


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