CNFs Artifacts through F5 Artifact Registry¶
The Cloud-Native Network Functions (CNFs) helm charts, docker images, and other utilities are now available via F5 Artifact Registry (FAR) at FAR is accessible to all, but only users with a valid Service Account Key can download and install the artifacts.
This document details the procedures for downloading a Service Account Key, and using the Service Account Key to download the CNF Manifest file and install Helm charts, docker images, and other utilities into the cluster from FAR (
1. Download Service Account Key¶
To download the Service Account Key, do the following:
Login to MyF5.
Note: You must have a MyF5 account to login.
Navigate to Support Resources and click Downloads.
Check the box for the End User License Agreement and Program Terms, then click Next.
Choose BIG-IP_Next from the Select a Product Family Group drop-down.
Select Cloud-Native Network Functions (CNF) from the Product Line drop-down.
Choose the desired version from the Product Version drop-down.
Select the f5-far-auth-key.tgz file from the download file list. Choose a download location from the drop-down menu and click Download.
The TGZ file contains a Service Account Key. This is Service Account Key in base64 format, used for logging into FAR.
2. Download Manifest File¶
Download manifest.yaml file for the current release or the specific release you are looking for.
To download Manifest file, do the following:
Perform Helm Login to download Manifest file from FAR:
cat <service_account_key_base64 file> | helm registry login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin
In this example, cne_pull-base64.json is the Service Account Key.
cat cne_pull_64.json | helm registry login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin
Perform Helm Pull to pull the Manifest file from FAR:
helm pull oci://<path of Manifest file> --version <version of Manifest file>
In this example, release/f5-cnf-manifest is the path for pulling manifest.yaml file and its version is 1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119.
helm pull oci:// --version 1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119
The f5-cnf-manifest-1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119.tgz file is now pulled.
Run list command to see newly downloaded Manifest tar file:
The file list shows the service_account_key_base64 file and Manifest file named f5-cnf-manifest-1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119.tgz:
Extract the Manifest file:
tar xvf f5-cnf-manifest-1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119.tgz
Run list command on the f5-cnf-manifest-1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119 directory. It shall list cnf-manifest-1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119.yaml file:
ls f5-cnf-manifest-1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119
The file list shows a cnf-manifest-1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119.yaml file:
The cnf-manifest-1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119.yaml file: Contains names and version numbers of all cnf Helm charts and docker images.
Example of cnf-manifest-1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119.yaml file:
f5_helm_repo: oci:// f5_docker_repo: releases: - version: 1.4.0-2.675.0-0.0.119 helm_charts: - name: charts/csrc version: 0.3.6 - name: charts/cwc version: 0.23.2-0.0.16 - name: utils/f5-cert-gen version: 0.9.2 - name: charts/f5-cert-manager version: 0.23.14-0.0.1 - name: charts/f5-crdconversion version: 0.13.3-0.0.8 - name: charts/f5-dssm version: 0.68.26-0.0.13 - name: charts/f5-cnf-crds-n6lan version: 0.177.8-0.0.11 - name: charts/f5-toda-fluentd version: 1.27.7-0.0.14 - name: charts/f5ingress version: 0.542.0-0.0.154 - name: charts/rabbitmq version: 0.2.27-0.0.7 docker_images: - name: images/cert-manager-cainjector version: 2.2.3 - name: images/cert-manager-controller version: 2.2.3 - name: images/cert-manager-ctl version: 2.2.3 - name: images/cert-manager-webhook version: 2.2.3 - name: images/crd-conversion version: v1.60.5-0.1.0 - name: images/f5-cert-client version: v2.3.24-0.10.2 - name: images/f5-csm-qkview version: v27.10.2-0.0.4 - name: images/f5-debug-sidecar version: v7.401.0-0.0.24 - name: images/f5-dssm-store version: v1.26.23-0.0.2 - name: images/f5-dssm-upgrader version: v1.2.15-0.0.4 - name: images/f5-fluentbit version: v0.8.18-0.0.1 - name: images/f5-fluentd version: v1.5.21-0.0.6 - name: images/f5-l4p-engine version: v1.109.2-0.0.7 - name: images/f5-license-helper version: v0.11.19-0.0.2 - name: images/f5-toda-tmstatsd version: v1.11.3-0.0.1 - name: images/f5dr-img version: v0.14.2-0.0.6 - name: images/f5dr-img-init version: v0.14.2-0.0.6 - name: images/f5ingress version: v0.542.0-0.0.154 - name: images/init-certmgr version: v0.23.14-0.0.1 - name: images/opentelemetry-collector-contrib version: 0.75.0 - name: images/rabbit version: v0.4.23 - name: images/spk-csrc version: v0.3.6 - name: images/spk-cwc version: v0.32.23-0.0.4 - name: images/tmm-img version: v0.1029.0-0.1.41 - name: images/tmrouted-img version: v0.13.15-0.0.5 - name: images/f5-blobd version: v0.12.26-0.0.13 - name: images/f5-coremond version: v0.5.12-0.1.7 - name: images/f5-version-validator version: v0.1.5-0.10.2
3. Install Helm charts¶
Following are the two different procedures described to install the Helm charts. Perform the steps mentioned in either Procedure 1 or procedure 2 to complete the installation.
Note: Perform any one of the following procedures
Procedure 1: Download CNF Helm charts, Docker Images and other Utilities¶
Do the following steps to download CNF Helm charts, Docker Images and other Utilities:
Do Helm Login to download Helm charts from FAR:
cat <service_account_key_base64 file> | helm registry login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin
In this example, cne_pull-base64.json is the Service Account Key.
cat cne_pull_64.json | helm registry login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin
Run Helm Pull command to pull the Helm charts from FAR:
helm pull oci://<path of Helm chart> --version <version of Helm chart>
In this example, charts/f5ingress is the path for pulling f5ingress Helm chart and its version is v0.542.0-0.0.154 as retrieved from the manifest.yaml file.
helm pull oci:// --version v0.542.0-0.0.154
Perform Utilities Pull to pull the other utilities from FAR:
helm pull oci://<path of Utilities> --version <version of Utility>
In this example, utils/log-doc-f5ingress is the path for pulling log-doc-f5ingress utility and its version is 0.542.0+0.0.154 as retrieved from the manifest.yaml file.
helm pull oci:// --version 0.542.0+0.0.154
Perform Docker Login to download docker images from FAR:
cat <service_account_key_base64 file> | docker login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin <URL of F5 Artifact Registry>
In this example, cne_pull_64.json is the same Service Account Key.
cat cne_pull_64.json | sudo docker login -u _json_key_base64 --password-stdin
Perform Docker Pull to pull the docker images from FAR:
docker pull<path of Docker Image>:<version of Docker Image>
In this example, images/rabbit is the path for pulling rabbit docker image and its version is v0.4.23 as retrieved from the manifest.yaml file.
docker pull
Procedure 2: Install Helm charts using imagePullSecrets¶
The imagePullSecrets feature is used to securely install helm chart from a FAR directly into a cluster by using the Service Account Key from the TGZ file as authentication credentials.
Following are the steps to install helm chart directly from FAR into a cluster:
Perform Helm Login, as shown in Step 1 of Procedure 1: Download CNFs Helm charts, Docker Images and other Utilities section.
Perform Docker Login to download docker images as shown in step 4 of Procedure 1: Download CNFs Helm charts, Docker Images and other Utilities section.
Copy and paste the below bash script into a .sh file and run it.
Note: The bash script here is using cne_pull_64.json as a Service Account Key. This script is written for Linux. Remove
-w 0
as arguments to base64 from the script when using on Mac.#!/bin/bash # Read the content of pipeline.json into the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY variable SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY=$(cat cne_pull_64.json) # Create the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_K8S_SECRET variable by appending "_json_key_base64:" to the base64 encoded SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY SERVICE_ACCOUNT_K8S_SECRET=$(echo "_json_key_base64:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY}" | base64 -w 0) # Create the secret.yaml file with the provided content cat << EOF > far-secret.yaml --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: far-secret data: .dockerconfigjson: $(echo "{\"auths\": {\ \"\":\ {\"auth\": \"$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_K8S_SECRET\"}}}" | base64 -w 0) type: EOF
The far-secret.yaml secret file will be generated according to the secret name provided in the bash script.
Apply far-secret.yaml secret file to the namespace where you want to install the helm chart:
kubectl create -f far-secret.yaml -n <namespace>
In this example the far-secret.yaml secret is install to the demo-ns Project.
kubectl create -f far-secret.yaml -n demo-ns
Create a Helm values file named fluentd_values.yaml, and set the imageCredentials and image.repository parameters to install the helm chart from FAR:
imageCredentials: name: far-secret image: repository:
Note: Attribute imageCredentials name varies for different helm charts. To know the exact name defined for this field, please refer the document of that particular helm chart.
Install the helm chart:
helm install <release name> oci://<path of helm chart> --version <version number> -f <values>.yaml
In this example, charts/f5-toda-fluentd is the path for installing f5-toda-fluentd helm chart its version is 1.27.7-0.0.14, values file is fluentd_values.yaml (Created in Step 3).
helm install f5-fluentd oci:// --version 1.27.7-0.0.14 -f fluentd_values.yaml
Verify the status of the helm chart:
kubectl get pods -n demo-ns
In this example, the f5-toda-fluentd is Running.
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE f5-toda-fluentd-6fcdb48d8b-4dkcc 1/1 Running 0 9s
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