CNF Fixes and Known Issues

This list highlights fixes and known issues for this CNF release.

CNF Release Notes CNF Release Information

Version: 1.4.0
Build: 1.4.0

Note: This content is current as of the software release date
Updates to bug information occur periodically. For the most up-to-date bug data, see Bug Tracker.

Known Issues in CNF 1.4.0

CNF Fixes

ID Number Severity Links to More Info Description
1632313-1 1-Blocking Virtual Servers Not Configured When FTP/Secure Context Config Includes Zero-Rating iRule for Scaled TMMs
1696993-1 1-Blocking F5ingress Fails to Redeploy on a New Node After Current Node Failure
1644337-1 2-Critical Redis connection must be included in the tmm liveness probe
1644333-1 2-Critical TMM fails to reconnect to redis after current connection fails following five retries
1784829-1 2-Critical Randomize port selection in CGNAT for SP-DAG cases (For NAPT mode)
1786321-1 2-Critical When TMM is scaled down before being scaled up with a larger number of pods, the controller will not set up any new TMM pods
1596037-2 3-Major QoS Class is showing 'Burstable' for tmm pods after enabling 'blobd'

Fix details for CNF v1.4.0