

The F5BigPePolicy Custom Resource (CR) configures the Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) Proxy Pod to manage 5G subscriber traffic using policy based classification criteria such as application type, URL category, or higher level packet flow information. Subscriber traffic can be allowed or denied, and optimized with the F5BigTcpSetting CR based on the F5BigPePolicy rule configuration. A F5BigPeProfile CR is required and referenced by the F5BigContextSecure CR to accept and process 5G application traffic using one or more F5BigPePolicy CRs.

This document guides you through understanding, configuring and installing the F5BigPePolicy and F5BigPeProfile CRs.

F5BigPePolicy CR parameters

The table below describes the F5BigPePolicy CR parameters used in this document. For the full list of parameters, refer to the F5BigPePolicy Reference.


Parameter Description
name Specifies the name of the F5BigPePolicy rule. A policy can contain multiple rules.
precedence Specifies the precedence, or order for processing rules and actions: 1 to 1024.


_images/spk_warn.png Important: A F5BigClassificationprofile is required when using the classification feature.

Parameter Description
name Specifies the name of the classification.
match Specifies a traffic matching criteria: match (default), or no-match.
category Specifies the type of traffic: any (default), Web, Audio_Video, Encrypted, File_Download_Servers, Search_Engines, Network_Management_and_Services, News_and_Media, and Advertisements.
application Specifies the application type: any (default), amazon, apple, tcp, udp, http, ssl, youtube, google, ftp, cnn, and amazon_adv.


Parameter Description
match Specifies a traffic matching criteria: match (default), or no-match.
protocol Specifies the protocol type for matching subscriber traffic: any (default), tcp, or udp.
ipType Specifies the IP protocol type for matching subscriber traffic: any (default), ipv4, or ipv6.
destinationAddress Specifies the destination IP address for matching subscriber traffic. The default is
destinationPort Specifies the destination port for matching subscriber traffic. The default is 0.
sourceAddress Specifies the source IP address for matching subscriber traffic. The default is


Parameter Description
gate Specifies whether to allow (enabled) or deny (disabled) subscriber traffic that matches a PE rule: Enabled (default) or Disabled.
tcpOptimizationUplink Specifies the F5BigTcpSetting CR applied to the uplink traffic that matches the rule.
tcpOptimizationDownlink Specifies the F5BigTcpSetting CR applied to the downlink traffic that matches the rule.

F5BigPeProfile CR parameters

The table below describes the F5BigPeProfile CR spec parameters used in this document.

Parameter Description
description A description of the F5BigPeProfile CR.
globalPolicy.highPrecedence Specifies a list of F5BigPePolicy CRs to apply as high precedence on subscriber traffic.
globalPolicy.lowPrecedence Specifies a list of F5BigPePolicy CRs to apply as low precedence on subscriber traffic.
unknownSubscriberpolicy Specifies a list of F5BigPePolicy CRs to apply to unknown subscriber traffic.

CR examples


apiVersion: k8s.f5net.com/v1
kind: F5BigPePolicy
  name: "cnf-pe-policy"
  namespace: "cnf-gateway"
    - name: "stream-rule-1"
      reportingProfile: "cnf-log-profile"
      publisher: "cnf-hsl-pub"
      precedence: 1
          - application: "amazon"
            category: "Audio_Video"
            match: "match"
        gate: "Enabled"
        tcpOptimizationDownlink: tcp-high-bw-profile
        tcpOptimizationUplink: tcp-high-bw-profile
    - name: "stream-rule-2"
      precedence: 2
          - match: "match"
            protocol: "any"
            ipType: "any"
            sourceAddress: "2002::10:10:10:10/112"
            destinationAddress: "2002::192:168:100:0/112"
            destinationPort: 443
        gate: "Disabled"


apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
kind: F5BigPeProfile
  name: "cnf-pe-profile"
  namespace: "cnf-gateway"
  description: "web profile"
      - "cnf-pe-policy"

CR shortName

CR shortNames provide an easy way to view installed CRs, and their configuration parameters. The CR shortName can also be used to delete the CR instance. The F5BigPePolicy and F5BigPeProfile CR shortNames are pepol and peprof respectively.

View CR instance:

kubectl get pepol -n <namespace>
kubectl get peprof -n <namespace>

View CR configuration:

kubectl get pepol -n <namespace> -o yaml
kubectl get peprof -n <namespace> -o yaml

PE Logging

A F5BigLogProfile CR can be configured to log subscriber connection information such as subscriber ID, call duration, destination IP address and port, etc., when the connection matches an F5BigPePolicy CR rule. This section demonstrates two methods for logging subscriber connection data.

_images/spk_info.png Note: The F5BigPePolicy references the both the F5BigLogProfile and the F5BigLogHslpub CRs.

Reporting Fields

The reportingFields parameter provides options that are easily viewed while configuring the F5BigLogProfile, however, the logging format on the remote server is more difficult to view.

In this example, the F5BigLogProfile is configured to capture and log the packet’s source and destination information.

apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
kind: F5BigLogProfile
name: "cnf-log-profile"
namespace: "cnf-gateway"
- "Source IP"
- "Source Port"
- "Destination IP"
- "Destination Port"
reportingType: flow-reporting

The reportingFields log entires will appear similar to the following on the remote server:

Apr  4 15:48:36 f5-tmm-5896659874-bzfc8 tmm[33],57236,,80
Apr  4 15:48:59 f5-tmm-5896659874-bzfc8 tmm[33],59720,,53

Format Script

The formatScript parameter provides options that are more difficult to view while configuring the F5BigLogProfile, however, the logging format on the remote server is easier to view.

In this example, the F5BigLogProfile is configured to capture and log the packet’s source and destination information.

apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
kind: F5BigLogProfile
  name: "cnf-log-profile"
  namespace: "cnf-gateway"
    formatScript: return (src-ip:[PEM::flow stats reported src-ip],src-port:[PEM::flow stats reported src-port],dst-ip:[PEM::flow stats reported dst-ip],dst-port:[PEM::flow stats reported dst-port],timestamp:[PEM::flow stats reported timestamp])
    reportingType: flow-reporting

The formatScript log entires will appear similar to the following on the remote server:

Apr  4 15:52:42 f5-tmm-5896659874-bzfc8 tmm[33] (src-ip:,src-port:57240,dst-ip:,dst-port:80)
Apr  4 15:52:43 f5-tmm-5896659874-bzfc8 tmm[33] (src-ip:,src-port:59934,dst-ip:,dst-port:53)

For a full list of parameter options, refer to the spec.pe section of the F5BigLogProfile Reference.


Ensure you have:


Use these steps to install the example F5BigPePolicy CR, and the optional CNFs CRs. Each step offers a brief description of the example CR.

_images/spk_info.png Tip: Open a second shell to view the CNFs Event Logs while installing.

  1. The example F5BigLogHslpub CR specifies a remote server with IP/port [2002::10:30:2:220]:514, and the udp protocol. Copy and paste the example into a YAML file:

    Note: The F5BigLogHslpub CR will be referenced by both the F5BigLogProfile and the F5BigClassificationprofile CRs.

    apiVersion: k8s.f5net.com/v1
    kind: F5BigLogHslpub
      name: "cnf-hsl-pub"
      namespace: "cnf-gateway"
      - name: "hsl-pool"
        - "[2002::10:30:2:220]:514"
      - name: "cnf-syslog"
        format: "rfc5424"
        protocol: "udp"
        pool: "hsl-pool"
  2. Install the F5BigLogHslpub CR:

    kubectl apply -f cnf-hsl-cr.yaml

    In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigLogHslpub CR was added/updated:

    I0202 12:00:00.12347   1 event.go:282 Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5Hslpub",
    F5Hslpub cnf-gateway/cnf-hsl-pub was added/updated
  3. The example F5BigLogProfile CR specifies policy enforcement events to such as Source IP and Destination IP, and sends them to the remove logging server. Copy and paste the example into a YAML file:

    Note: The F5BigLogProfile CR will be referenced by the F5BigPePolicy CR.

    apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
    kind: F5BigLogProfile
      name: "cnf-log-profile"
      namespace: "cnf-gateway"
          - "Source IP"
          - "Source Port"
          - "Destination IP"
          - "Destination Port"
        reportingType: flow-reporting
  4. Install the F5BigLogProfile CR:

    kubectl apply -f cnf-log-profile.yaml

    In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigLogProfile CR was added/updated:

    I0202 12:00:00.12347   1 event.go:282 Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5LogProfile",
    LogProfile cnf-gateway/cnf-log-profile was added/updated
  5. The example F5BigTcpSetting CR increases the sendBuffer and proxyBuffer sizes to increase TCP throughput. Copy the example CR into a YAML file:

    Note: The F5BigTcpSetting CR will be referenced by the F5BigPeProfile.

    apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
    kind: F5BigTcpSetting
      name: "tcp-high-bw-profile"
      namespace: "cnf-gateway"
      sendBufferSize: 150000
      receiveWindowSize: 70000
      proxyBufferHigh: 20000
      proxyBufferLow: 5000
      idleTimeout: 150
      resetOnTimeout: false
  6. Install the F5BigTcpSetting CRs:

    kubectl apply -f cnf-tcp-high-bw-cr.yaml

    In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigTcpSetting CR was added/updated:

    I0202 12:00:00.12347   1 event.go:282 Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5TcpSetting",
    TcpSetting cnf-gateway/tcp-high-bw-profile was added/updated
  7. The example F5BigClassificationprofile enables important parameters such as ApplicationDetection, UrlCategorization, and analyzeDns. Copy the example CR into a YAML file:

    Note: The F5BigClassificationprofile will be referenced by the F5BigContextSecure CR, and references the F5BigLogHslpub CR.

    apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
    kind: F5BigClassificationprofile
      name: "cnf-class-profile"
      namespace: "cnf-gateway"
      name: "cnf-class-profile"
      enableApplicationDetection: true
      enableUrlCategorization: true
      logPublisher: "cnf-hsl-pub"
        enableFlowBundling: true
        analyzeSslServerside: false
        enableCacheResults: true
        analyzeDns: true
  8. Install the F5BigClassificationprofile CR:

    kubectl apply -f cnf-class-profile.yaml

    In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigClassificationprofile CR was added/updated:

    I0624 12:00:00.12347   1 event.go:282] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5ClassificationProfile",
    F5ClassificationProfile cnf-gateway/cnf-class-profile was added/updated
  9. The example F5BigPePolicy applies the higher bandwidth F5BigTcpSetting CR to Audio_Video application traffic, and Disables (denies) application traffic from source IP subnet 2002::10:10:10:10/112, destined to the IP subnet 2002::192:168:100:0/112. Copy the example CR into a YAML file:

    Note: The F5BigPePolicy references the F5BigLogProfile, F5BigLogHslpub, and F5BigTcpSetting CRs.

    apiVersion: k8s.f5net.com/v1
    kind: F5BigPePolicy
      name: "cnf-pe-policy"
      namespace: "cnf-gateway"
        - name: "stream-rule-1"
          reportingProfile: "cnf-log-profile"
          publisher: "cnf-hsl-pub"
          precedence: 1
              - application: "amazon"
                category: "Audio_Video"
                match: "match"
            gate: "Enabled"
            tcpOptimizationDownlink: tcp-high-bw-profile
            tcpOptimizationUplink: tcp-high-bw-profile
        - name: "stream-rule-2"
          precedence: 2
              - match: "match"
                protocol: "any"
                ipType: "any"
                sourceAddress: "2002::10:10:10:10/112"
                destinationAddress: "2002::192:168:100:0/112"
                destinationPort: 443
            gate: "Disabled"
  10. Install the F5BigPePolicy CR:

    kubectl apply -f cnf-pe-policy-cr.yaml

    In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigPePolicy CR was added/updated:

    I0202 12:00:00.12347   1 event.go:282 Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5PemPolicy",
    PemPolicy cnf-gateway/cnf-pe-policy was added/updated
  11. Copy the example F5BigPeProfile CR into a YAML file:

    Note: The F5BigPeProfile references the F5BigPePolicy, and will be referenced by the F5BigContextSecure CR.

    apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
    kind: F5BigPeProfile
      name: "cnf-pe-profile"
      namespace: "cnf-gateway"
      description: "web profile"
          - "cnf-pe-policy"
  12. Install the F5BigPeProfile CR:

    kubectl apply -f cnf-pe-profile-cr.yaml

    In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigPeProfile CR was added/updated:

    I0202 12:00:00.12347   1 event.go:282 Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5PemProfile",
    PemProfile cnf-gateway/cnf-pe-profile was added/updated
  13. The example F5BigContextSecure CR listens for connections destined to the any IPv6 subnet on port 443 received on the subscriber-vlan interface. Copy and paste the example into a YAML file:

    Note: The F5BigContextSecure CR references the F5BigPeProfile and F5BigClassificationprofile CRs.

    apiVersion: k8s.f5net.com/v1
    kind: F5BigContextSecure
      name: "cnf-pe-context"
      namespace: "cnf-gateway"
       ipv6destinationAddress: "::/0"
       destinationPort: 443
       ipProtocol: "tcp"
       profile: "fastL4"
       pemProfile: "cnf-pe-profile"
       classificationProfile: "cnf-class-profile"
           - "subscriber-vlan"
  14. Install the F5BigContextSecure CR:

    kubectl apply -f f5-cnf-context-cr.yaml

    In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigContextSecure CR was added/updated:

    I0202 12:00:00:12350    1 event.go:282] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5SecureContext",
    SecureContext cnf-gateway/cnf-pe-context was added/updated
  15. Review the Policy Enforcement statistics section.

Policy Enforcement statistics

If the TMM Debug sidecar is enabled (default), use the steps below to verify F5BigPePolicy match statistics.

  1. Log in to the TMM debug Pod:

    In this example, the TMM debug container is in the cnf-gateway namespace:

    kubectl exec -it deploy/f5-tmm -c debug -n cnf-gateway -- bash
  2. Verify the F5BigPePolicy statistics:

    tmctl -d blade pem_actions_stat -s pass,drop,tcpopt_to_net,tcpopt_to_sub

    In this example, optimization is applied to both uplink (tcpopt_to_net) and downlink (tcpopt_to_sub) traffic.

    pass drop tcpopt_to_net tcpopt_to_sub
    ---- ---- ------------- -------------
      6    0             6             6


Provide feedback to improve this document by emailing cnfdocs@f5.com.
