SaaS Application Configuration Guide : Silo Authentic8¶
BIG-IP as SAML IdP Configuration¶
This document describes the configuration for a SAML Identity Provider for SaaS Application workflow using a SaaS Application template. Follow the steps below to configure Silo Authentic8:
- Logon to the BIG-IP user interface and click
- Select the Federation category.
- Select SAML Identity Provider for SaaS Application to configure BIG-IP as a SAML Identity Provider.
- Review the Required Configuration information, and complete the following required step before you configure the SaaS Application.
- Provide the Identity Provider details.
- Provide the Virtual Server configuration details.
- Configure the Authentication method to use for the SAML Identity Provider.
- After you confgure the SaaS Application Configuration, configure (optional) Endpoint Checks and Customization settings.
Silo Authentic8 Configuration in Guided Configuration Workflow¶
The SaaS Application screen displays a list of applications from which you can select to configure SAML Service Provider applications. Select a specific application and click Add.
For example, to configure Silo Authentic8, select Silo Authentic8 and click Add.
Common Application Properties¶
- Specify the application name. The system uses the name internally, to identify configuration details for the application and the SAML service provider for it.
- Select whether the application supports IDP Initiated requests. Select the IdP Initiated option to display the application resource on the Webtop.
- Specify or modify the caption. The Webtop uses the caption to display the application resource.
- Specify an optional description for the application.
Application Specific Properties¶
- To configure Silo Authentic8 provide following inputs:
- Company ID : Provide your unique company ID from the SSO URL. For eg, from URL, company is the company ID.
Additional SAML Attributes and ACS Properties¶
- Configure any additional attribute values to include in the SAML assertion to SaaS Application. Each SAML Attribute has an attribute name and attribute value. The session variable values can specify attribute values. Configure an AD or LDAP query to include specific attributes in session variables.
- Configure an additional Assertion Consumer Service URI if the application requires such a URI.
Security Properties¶
- Specify whether to sign the assertion and response, and specify the signing algorithm.
- Specify whether to require a signed Authentication Request. If required, select a signing certificate.
- Specify whether to encrypt assertions. If required, speciofy the encryption algorithm and select the encryption certificate.
- Complete the workflow configuration by configuring optional endpoint checks and customization.
Deploy the Configuration¶
- Deploy the configuration from the Summary screen.
- To retrieve the metadata for this configuration, navigate to .
- Select the SAML SSO object created for Silo Authentic8, and click Export Metadata.
- Use the exported IdP SAML Metadata to configure the IdP Provider configuration in the Silo Authentic8 service.
Setup Silo Authentic8 as SAML Service Provider¶
Refer to Silo Authentic8 documentation to set it up as SAML Service Provider.
Test the Configuration¶
- To test the configuration, click on the link Click to test configuration on the Summary page.
- A succesful logon should display a Webtop that includes the IdP Initiated Applications.