Current DDoS Attacks on Protected Objects


A list of protected objects that are currently under DDoS attack.

REST Endpoint: /mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/AttackedProtectedObjectsList


GET /mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/AttackedProtectedObjectsList

Query Parameters

Name Type Required Description
filter string False Specifies a string or integer used to filter the results. You can filter based on one or more parameters.
orderby string False Specifies the sorting parameter and order to apply to results. You can sort by reportedObject, reportedObjectType, health, attacksCount, dosProfileName or deviceName. The sort order can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). The default value is “reportedObject”.
skip number False Specifies the number of results in the ordered list to skip. The default value of skip is 0, meaning none are skipped and the results range from 1 to the top value.
top query option False Specify the maximum number of results in the ordered list. The default value is 10.
under-attack boolean False True means filter the protected objects for those currently under attack. The default value is true.

Request Parameters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Name Type Description
items object The items that appear in the query.
     attacksCount number The number of attacks detected on the protected object.
     deviceName string The name of the BIG-IP that hosts the protected object.
     dosProfiles object The DoS profile that detected the attack.
          id string The profile’s unique identifier.
          link string The link to the profile.
          name string The profile’s name.
          partition string The partition assigned to the profile.
     dosProfileName string The name of the DoS profile that detected the attack.
     health HealthEnum The health of the protected object.
     mitigation string The mitigation applied to the attack.
     reportedObject string The name of the object of the detected attack.
     reportedObjectId string The unique identifier of the object of the detected attack.
     reportedObjectType string The type of object attack.
itemsPerPage long The number of items per page.
pageIndex long The chronological page number as of which to display query results.
startIndex number Item index number for which results start. Item index numbers are chronological.
total number Total number of result items
totalPages number Number of pages in the result.


Role Allow
Security Manager Yes


GET to retrieve a list of protected objects currently under DoS attack

The following example returns the top 50 items ordered by the health state in descending order.

GET https://<BIG-IQ>/mgmt/ap/query/v1/tenants/default/reports/AttackedProtectedObjectsList?%$orderby=health desc&$skip=0&$top=50


    "kind": "ap:compose:Report",
    "lastUpdateMicros": 676822474978,
    "result": {
            "totalItems": 2,
            "items": [{
                    "reportedObject": "dosHttpApp3",
                    "reportedObjectType": "Application",
                    "reportedObjectId": "fae2e013-f637-3e7d-a1a2-fea2c51af30e",
                    "health": "Critical",
                    "attacksCount": 1,
                    "mitigation": "Transparent",
                    "dosProfiles": [{
                            "id": "91e11da6-0a75-31b1-8aa3-2e505b7caaf7",
                            "name": "HttpDosProfile_transparent_1550577180907",
                            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/security-shared/working-config/dos-profiles/91e11da6-0a75-31b1-8aa3-2e505b7caaf7",
                            "partition": "Common"
                    "dosProfileName": "HttpDosProfile_transparent_1550577180907",
                    "deviceName": ""
            }, {
                    "reportedObject": "dosHttpApp4",
                    "reportedObjectType": "Application",
                    "reportedObjectId": "a41b6794-20e1-33d7-baf3-6b835d0d2fb1",
                    "health": "Critical",
                    "attacksCount": 1,
                    "mitigation": "Client Side",
                    "dosProfiles": [{
                            "id": "30e7bde5-0bd9-3a29-b24f-bbaee127a646",
                            "name": "HttpDosProfile_blocking_1550577180672",
                            "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/cm/security-shared/working-config/dos-profiles/30e7bde5-0bd9-3a29-b24f-bbaee127a646",
                            "partition": "Common"
                    "dosProfileName": "HttpDosProfile_blocking_1550577180672",
                    "deviceName": ""
            "itemsPerPage": 0,
            "startIndex": 0,
            "totalPages": 0,
            "pageIndex": 0,
            "currentItemCount": 2
    "requestDurationInMillis": 765