Getting Started

Lab Components

The following table lists the virtual appliances in the lab along with their networks and credentials to use.

System Name Networks Credentials
BIG-IP-01 Management: admin / @gi1ity2022
BIG-IP-02 Management: admin / @gi1ity2022
BIG-IP-03 Management: admin / @gi1ity2022
BIG-IQ-01 Management: admin / @gi1ity2022

Starting the Lab

In order to complete this lab, you will use the F5 Extension within VSCode, and you will use a firefox browser. A jumphost should not be required to complete this lab. In the instructions below, you'll find the necessary information to access VSCode, Firefox, and the lab guide.

Exercise 1 - Launch VSCode and Firefox browser

  1. Click on the Deployment link in the upper left corner of the browser.

  2. Under Systems find the Ubuntu client and click Access, then click VSCode. VSCode will open in a new tab.

  3. Under Systems find the Ubuntu client and click Access, then click Firefox. Firefox will open in a new tab. Yes, this is a browser in a browser.

  4. Congratulations! You have now launched VSCode and Firefox and are ready to begin the lab!

Using browser to connect to BIGIP UI

When using Firefox to connect to the F5 appliances you will receive certificate warnings as we are using self signed certs in this lab.

Bypass any security warning you may receive by clicking Advanced in the browser, then clicking Accept the Risk and Continue
