How to: View and Manage BIG-IP Next Instance Properties¶
View BIG-IP Next instance properties¶
Viewing the properties for a BIG-IP Next instance gives you insight into how an instance is configured.
Create an instance in the BIG-IP Next Central Manager for management. Refer How to: Create a BIG-IP Next instance in a VMware vSphere environment from Central Manager, How to: Create a BIG-IP Next instance on VELOS system from Central Manager, or How to: Create a BIG-IP Next instance on rSeries system from Central Manager.
Log in to BIG-IP Next Central Manager, click the Workspace icon next to the F5 logo, and click Infrastructure.
The My Instances screen provides a list of the managed BIG-IP Next instances.Click the name of a BIG-IP Next instance.
A new screen displays the BIG-IP Next instance’s properties.On the left, click the name of the setting you want to view, following are the available options:
Instance Settings
Timezone & NTP
Networking & Proxy
Routing & Forwarding
Log Management
Instance Data Metrics
Network Interface
Logs & Troubleshooting
QKView Files
Logs Archive
License & Provision
Update the required settings.
Click Save.
Manage BIG-IP Next instance properties¶
Use the following steps to manage the BIG-IP Next instance properties:
Log in to BIG-IP Next Central Manager, click the Workspace icon next to the F5 logo, and click Infrastructure.
The My Instances screen provides a list of the managed BIG-IP Next instances.Click on the name of a BIG-IP Next instance. A new screen displays the BIG-IP Next instance’s properties.
Select the Properties tab, general instance properties and management IP addresses information is available.
Select the HA tab, the HA device is listed or click Enable HA to add an HA device. For more information, refer How to: Create a BIG-IP Next VE, VELOS and rSeries HA from BIG-IP Next Central Manager or How to: Create a VELOS BIG-IP Next HA instance from BIG-IP Next Central Manager.
To update settings in the Timezone & NTP, DNS, and Networking & Proxy tabs, click the Edit icon in the top-right corner.
The Instance Properties tab is selected by default, you can update Timezone & NTP and DNS settings:
In the DNS Servers section, add the network IP address of the local Domain Name (DNS) Servers. Use the Create button to add a new row to enter the IP address. Use the Delete button to delete a selected row.
In the NTP Server Addresses section, add the hostnames, Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs), or network IP addresses of the local Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. Use the Create button to add a new row to enter the IP address. Use the Delete button to delete a selected row.
Select the Networking tab to update Networking & Proxy settings. Always, first configure the L1 Networks, then VLANs and at the last IP Addresses.
Click L1 Networks
The L1 Networks are automatically set based on Network adapter configurations in vSphere Network Adapter Settings. Four L1 Networks can be set up, and the Interface Name is auto-assigned.
Click VLANs, to configure VLANs then click Create.
In the Name field, type a name for the VLAN.
In the Tag, type a number from (0 to 4096) or leave it blank for automatic assignment.
To attach the VLAN to the default VRF, select Default VRF. The same VLAN cannot be used in any other VRF. If the selected VLAN is used by other VRF, then the deployment fails with an error.
Choose the L1 Network from the dropdown.
Click IP Addresses to configure IP Addresses then click Create
In Address, specify the IP address.
In Device Name, no need to specify the name.
Choose the VLAN from the dropdown.
Select the Review & Deploy tab, verify the details in the summary, and click Deploy, My Instances page displays.
Click on the name of a BIG-IP Next instance.
Select Routing & Forwarding tab to manage Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF). The default VRF is available.
Click on Default to update the default VRF settings or click Add to create a non-default VRF. Select the VRF name and click Delete to delete an VRF. You cannot delete a default VRF.
For more information, refer How to: Configure Routing and Forwarding.Select Log Management tab to configure the log consumers.