How to: Upgrade BIG-IP Next on rSeries from BIG-IP Next Central Manager¶
This document describes how to upgrade BIG-IP Next on an rSeries from BIG-IP Next Central Manager.
Before upgrading, you must import the new software image to the rSeries chassis as a Tenant Image. For more information, refer to the rSeries Systems documentation.
Upgrade the BIG-IP Next instances to the latest version before upgrading BIG-IP Next Central Manager.
For example, if your BIG-IP Next Central Manager is version 20.2.1 and BIG-IP Next instance is version 20.2.1, first upgrade the BIG-IP Next instances from 20.2.1 to version 20.3.0 using the 20.2.1 BIG-IP Next Central Manager, and then upgrade the BIG-IP Next Central Manager from 20.2.1 to 20.3.0 version.
Authenticate with the BIG-IP Next Central Manager API. For details refer to How to: Authenticate with the BIG-IP Next Central Manager API.
There are limitations on upgrading BIG-IP Next Instance. Refer to the Compatibility Matrix for the User workflow on how to upgrade the BIG-IP Next Central Manager and BIG-IP Next.
Note: It is recommended to upgrade BIG-IP Next before upgrading the BIG-IP Next Central Manager.
Table 1: Compatibility Matrix for BIG-IP Next Central Manager and BIG-IP Next Instance Upgrades
BIG-IP Next Central Manager Release Version | Upgrade BIG-IP Next Version (From) | Upgrade BIG-IP Next Version (To) | Compatible | User Upgrade Workflow |
20.1.0 | 20.1.0 | 20.2.0 | Yes | |
20.1.0 | 20.2.1 | No (Follow the workflow mentioned in User upgrade column) |
Follow the sequences below to upgrade:
20.2.0 | 20.2.1 | No (Follow the workflow mentioned in User upgrade column) |
Follow the below sequences to upgrade
20.2.0 | 20.1.0 | 20.2.0 | No | |
20.2.0 | 20.2.1 | Yes | ||
20.2.0 | 20.3.0 | Yes | ||
20.2.1 | 20.3.0 | Yes | ||
20.2.1 | 20.2.0 | 20.2.1 | No | |
20.2.1 | 20.3.0 | Yes |
The BIG-IP Next instance do not support downgrading from a higher version to a lower version.
To upgrade rSeries instance using Central Manager GUI:
Log in to MyF5 Downloads.
Accept the EULA and click Next.
Under Group, select BIG-IP_Next.
Under Product Line, select Virtual Edition.
Under Product Version, choose the appropriate version.
Under Select a download file select the appropriate .tar.bundle file. For example: BIG-IP-Next-20.2.0-2.375.1+0.0.43.tar.bundle
Under Download locations, select the appropriate location.
Click Download. The file is downloaded to your local system, which can take up to an hour because of the size of these files. 1. Log in to BIG-IP Next Central Manager as admin, click the Workspace icon next to the F5 icon, and then click Infrastructure.
To upload the image, first log in to the rSeries WebUI.
Click on Target Images from the menu on the left side of the screen.
. Click on Upload.
Navigate to the location of the .tar.bundle you downloaded, select it and click Open.
Wait until the images grid shows three related files (image bundle file, image file and image deployment file) and all files have status Replicated.
Log in to BIG-IP Next Central Manager as admin, click the Workspace icon next to the F5 icon, and then click Infrastructure.
Select the checkbox next to the BIG-IP Next instance you want to upgrade.
On the top right of the screen, click Actions and select Upgrade.
In the Chassis Partition IP Address or FQDN field, enter the IP address or FQDN of the rSeries chassis partition on which the BIG-IP Next instance tenant is located.
Enter the Username and Password for the rSeries chassis partition.
In the Tenant field, type the name of the tenant.
In the Image field, type or paste the name of the BIG-IP Next image you uploaded to rSeries. For example: BIG-IP-Next-20.2.0-2.375.1+0.0.43
Click the Authenticate & Upgrade button and accept the fingerprint displayed for authentication with the partition.
Confirm the upgrade by clicking the Upgrade button on the confirmation message.
When upgrading from version 20.2.0 to 20.2.1, if your BIG-IP Next instance was previously running version 20.1.0, you will be prompted to accept a new certificate for the instance in the BIG-IP Next Central Manager GUI. To proceed with the upgrade, click View and accept the certificate fingerprint.
Note: When upgrading to version 20.2.1, you will not be prompted to accept a new certificate if your BIG-IP Next instance was initially installed with version 20.2.0.
BIG-IP Next Central Manager upgrades the software for this BIG-IP Next instance.
If you plan to backup your instance files, you need to delete the large image files on the BIG-IP Next instance. See How to: Back up managed BIG-IP Next instances to BIG-IP Next Central Manager’s local drive instantly or on a schedule for more information.
To upgrade Instance using Central Manager APIs:
Get Instance details by sending a GET request to
endpoint. Identify the ID of the instance that you want to upgrade.GET https://{{CM_IP}}/api/v1/spaces/default/instances?filter=address eq '{{bigip_next_mgmt_ip}}'
The rSeries BIG-IP Next upgrade requires an “image file” and “signature file”. Both files must be downloaded from F5 site and uploaded individually to the instance.
Use the *POST request to upload both the files simultaneously by sending a POST request to
endpoint using instance_id of the instance you want to upgrade.POST https://{{CM_IP}}/api/v1/spaces/default/instances/{{remote-Big-IP-Next-ID}}/proxy-file-upload:
For the API form data, use the following example, modifying the values as required.
<tgz.512.sig file name>
big-ip next upgrade signature file
*Note: The image file and signature file name ends with ‘.tgz’ and ‘.tgz.512.sig’ respectively.
Get the uploaded files by sending the GET request to the
endpoint using instance_id of the instance you want to upgrade. The image name and signature name is returned in the response.GET https://https://{{CM_IP}}/api/device/v1/proxy/{{remote-Big-IP-Next-ID}}?path=/files
Initiate the instance upgrade by sending the POST request to the
endpoint using instance_id of the instance you want to upgrade.POST https://{{CM_IP}}/api/v1/spaces/default/instances/{{remote-Big-IP-Next-ID}}/upgrade
For the request payload, use the following example, modifying the values as required.
{ "upgrade_type": "appliance", "partition_address": "", "partition_port": 5443, "partition_user": "admin", "partition_password": "example02!", "image_name": "test", "tenant_name": "test", "provider": "rSeries name" }
Get the status for instance upgrade task by sending the GET request to the
endpoint.GET https://{{CM_IP}}/api/v1/spaces/default/instances/upgrade-tasks/{{bigip-next-upgrade-task-id}}
In the response, when the state indicates wait for user input, accept the fingerprint to trust the certificate. Accept the fingerprint by sending a PATCH request to the
endpoint to generate new certificates.PATCH https://{{CM_IP}}/api/v1/spaces/default/instances/upgrade-tasks/{{bigip-next-upgrade-task-id}}
For the request payload, use the following example, modifying the values as required.
{ "is_user_accepted_untrusted_cert": true } `
After the upgrade process, the BIG-IP Next instance displays with the new version on the My Instances page.