The TransportServer resource exposes the non-HTTP traffic configuration for a virtual server address in BIG-IP.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | apiVersion: "" kind: TransportServer metadata: name: transport-server labels: f5cr: "true" spec: virtualServerAddress: "" virtualServerPort: 8585 mode: standard snat: auto persistenceProfile: destination-address dos: /Common/dos profiles: tcp: client: /Common/f5-tcp-lan server: /Common/f5-tcp-wan profileL4: /Common/security-fastL4 iRules: - /Common/my-irule pool: service: svc-3 servicePort: 8181 monitor: type: tcp interval: 10 timeout: 10 serviceAddress: - icmpEcho: "enable" arpEnabled: true routeAdvertisement: "all" spanningEnabled: false |
The TransportServer in this example only forwards the traffic. It is the user’s responsibility to implement secure non-http traffic.
UDP Transport Server¶
The value spec.type
can be used to distinguish a TCP/UDP/SCTP transport sever.
In the example below, transport server creates a UDP Virtual Server on BIG-IP that can be accessed at
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | apiVersion: "" kind: TransportServer metadata: name: transport-server labels: f5cr: "true" spec: virtualServerAddress: "" virtualServerPort: 8444 mode: standard snat: auto persistenceProfile: none dos: /Common/dos profileL4: /Common/security-fastL4 allowVlans: ["/Common/devtraffic"] iRules: - /Common/my-irule type: udp pool: service: udp-svc servicePort: 4444 monitor: type: udp interval: 10 timeout: 31 |
SCTP Transport Server¶
The value spec.type can be used to distinguish a TCP/UDP/SCTP transport sever.
In the example below, transport server creates a SCTP Virtual Server on BIG-IP that can be accessed at
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | apiVersion: kind: TransportServer metadata: labels: f5cr: "true" name: cr-transport-server namespace: default spec: allowVlans: [] iRules: [] mode: standard pool: loadBalancingMethod: dynamic-ratio-member service: pytest-svc-1 servicePort: 30102 snat: auto type: sctp virtualServerAddress: virtualServerPort: 30102 status: status: Ok vsAddress: None |
TransportServer Components¶
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
pool | Pool | Required | N/A | BIG-IP Pool member |
virtualServerAddress | String | Optional | N/A | IPv4/IPv6 Address of BIG-IP Virtual Server. IP address can also be replaced by a reference to a Service_Address. |
ipamLabel | String | Optional | N/A | IPAM label name for IP address management which is mapped to IP-range in IPAM controller deployment. |
hostGroup | String | Optional | N/A | Use to leverage the IP from the VirtialServer CR using the same VirtualServer HostGroup name and Vice-versa |
policyName | String | Optional | N/A | Name of Policy CRD to attach profiles/policies defined in it |
serviceAddress | List | Optional | N/A | Service address definition allows you to add a number of properties to your (virtual) server address. |
virtualServerPort | String | Required | N/A | Port Address of BIG-IP Virtual Server |
virtualServerName | String | Optional | N/A | Custom name of BIG-IP Virtual Server |
type | String | Optional | tcp | L4 transport server type. Options are tcp , udp or sctp . |
mode | String | Required | N/A | A Standard mode transport server processes connections using the full proxy architecture. A Performance mode transport server uses FastL4 packet-by-packet TCP behavior. You can use “standard” or “performance”. |
snat | String | Optional | auto | Reference to SNAT pool on BIG-IP. The supported values are none , auto , self and the BIG-IP SNATPool path. |
allowVlans | List of VLANs | Optional | Allow traffic from all VLANs | List of VLAN objects from which to allow traffic. Example:[“/Common/devtraffic”]. |
host | String | Optional | N/A | HostName of the Virtual Server |
iRules | List of iRules | Optional | N/A | List of iRules to attach. Example:[“/Common/my-irule”] |
persistenceProfile | String | Optional | source-address | CIS uses the AS3 default persistence profile. TransportServer CRD resource takes precedence over Policy CRD. Allowed values are existing BIG-IP Persistence profiles. |
dos | String | Optional | N/A | Pathname of existing BIG-IP DoS policy |
profiles | Object | Optional | N/A | BIG-IP TCP Profiles |
tcp | Object | Optional | tcp | BIG-IP TCP client and server profiles. |
profileL4 | String | Optional | basic | The default value is basic but it is not configurable if the profileL4 spec is not included in TS or Policy CR. Transport CRD resource takes precedence over Policy CRD resource. Allowed values are existing BIG-IP profileL4 profiles. |
partition | String | Optional | N/A | BIG-IP Partition |
bigipRouteDomain | Integer | Optional | 0 | Appends route domain to the virtual addresses of the BIG-IP |
tls | Object | Optional | N/A | Describes the TLS configuration for BIG-IP Transport Server |
Pools Components¶
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
service | String | Required | N/A | Service deployed in Kubernetes cluster |
servicePort | String/Integer | Required | N/A | Port to access service. Could be service port, service port name, or targetPort of the service. |
monitor | Monitor | Optional | N/A | Health Monitor to check the health of Pool Members |
monitors | Monitor | Optional | N/A | Specifies multiple monitors for TS Pool |
loadBalancingMethod | String | Optional | round-robin | Allowed values are existing BIG-IP Load Balancing methods for pools |
nodeMemberLabel | String | Optional | N/A | List of Nodes to consider in NodePort Mode as BIG-IP pool members. This Option is only applicable for NodePort Mode. |
serviceDownAction | String | Optional | N/A | Specifies connection handling when member is non-responsive. Examples: drop , none , reselect , reset |
reselectTries | Integer | Optional | 0 | Maximum number of attempts to find a responsive member for a connection |
serviceNamespace | String | Optional | N/A | Namespace of the service. Define it if the service is present in a namespace other than the one where transport Server Custom Resource is present. |
Monitors take priority over monitor if both are provided in TS spec.
Monitor Components¶
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
type | String | Required | N/A | TCP or UDP |
interval | Integer | Required | 5 | Seconds between health queries |
timeout | Integer | Optional | 16 | Seconds before query fails |
targetPort | Integer | Optional | 0 | Port (if any) the monitor should probe. If 0 (default) then pool member port is used. Translates to “Alias Service Port” on BIG-IP pool. |
name | String | Required | N/A | Reference to health monitor name existing on the BIG-IP |
reference | String | Required | N/A | Value should be bigip for referencing custom monitor on the BIG-IP |
Service Address Components¶
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
arpEnabled | Boolean | Optional | true | If true (default), the system services ARP requests on this address |
icmpEcho | String | Optional | enable | If enabled (default), the system answers ICMP echo requests on this address. Values: enable , disable , and selective . |
routeAdvertisement | String | Optional | disable | If enabled, the route is advertised. Values: enable , disable , selective , always , any , and all . |
spanningEnabled | Boolean | Optional | false | If true, this enables all BIG-IP systems in the device group to listen for and process traffic on the same virtual address. |
trafficGroup | String | Optional | default | Specifies the traffic group to which the Service_Address belongs |
TCP Profile Components¶
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
client | String | Required | Custom_TCP | CIS uses the AS3 default TCP client profile. Allowed values are existing BIG-IP TCP Client profiles. |
server | String | Optional | N/A | Allowed values are existing BIG-IP TCP Server profiles. Note: Server TCP Profile can only be used along with Client profile. |
TLS Components¶
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
clientSSLs | List of string | Optional | N/A | Multiple ClientSSL Profiles on the BIG-IP or list of Kubernetes secrets |
serverSSLs | List of string | Optional | N/A | Multiple ServerSSL Profiles on the BIG-IP or list of Kubernetes secrets |
Reference | List of string | Required | N/A | Describes the location of profile, BIG-IP or Kubernetes secrets. Allowed values are [bigip,secret]. |
Transport Server with IPv6 Address¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | apiVersion: "" kind: TransportServer metadata: labels: f5cr: "true" name: svc1-transport-server namespace: default spec: virtualServerAddress: "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334" virtualServerPort: 8544 virtualServerName: svc1-ts mode: standard snat: auto pool: service: svc-1 servicePort: 8181 monitor: type: tcp interval: 10 timeout: 10 |
MultiPartition Support using partition spec parameter¶
CRD supports the MultiPartition feature for TransportServer CR, where the user can provision BIG-IP in multiple partitions. This helps to easily manage the bigipConfig among the partitions. The MultiPartition feature also improves performance, as CIS processes only the partition when there is a change, instead of sending a unified AS3 declaration to all of the partitions on the BIG-IP every time a change/event is detected.
CIS processes multiple tenant information and still sends the single unified declaration to BIG-IP to avoid multiple posts to BIG-IP for the first time.
AS3 post call is formed as mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare/tenant1,tenant2
Multiple VirtualServers do not share the same virtual server address across multiple partitions. F5 does not currently support VS sharing the same host group or host with the same address in multiple partitions. The following rules apply for all VS resources. - Virtual servers with the same host group should be in one partition. - Virtual servers with the same host should be in one partition. - Virtual servers with the same VS address should be in one partition. - Virtual servers cannot share the same VIP across multiple partitions, irrespective of port.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | apiVersion: kind: TransportServer metadata: labels: f5cr: "true" name: cr-transport-server namespace: default spec: allowVlans: [] iRules: - /Common/test_rule2 mode: standard partition: dev pool: monitor: interval: 20 timeout: 10 type: udp service: pytest-svc-1 servicePort: 1344 snat: auto type: udp virtualServerAddress: virtualServerPort: 1344 |
Examples Repository¶
View Example Service and Deployment Manifest on Github.
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