GUI Overview¶
This section has a summary of F5 BIG-IP FAST’s user interface and how to manage applications using loaded templates as well as a short Overview video.
The History tab displays a list of deployments. The list is a summary of AS3’s async task results with newer jobs nearer to the top. The information includes:
Application name - the name given to the application
Template used - the name of the template used for deployment including the template set and template name
Tenant - the name of the deployed tenant
Create operation shows the initial deployment
Update operation shows any updates to the application in order of deployment
Delete All
In Progress - application deployment is processing
Success - deployment succeeded
No Change
Error - See Info column
Declaration is Invalid - See Info column
Declaration Failed - See Info column
App Template - allows for eding and resubmitting of the template
Timestamp - the date and time of deployment
Info - displays information such as a reason for an invalid declaration.
invalid: failed AS3 schema validation (e.g., undefined /Tenant01/Application01/Application01_pool/members: should be array)
failed: passed validation but still failed to apply (e.g., ip addr conflict)
error: generic error from AS3
Settings is where optional deployment parameters are set. See FAST Settings for a list of currently supported optional deployment settings.
The API tab contains documentation for the F5 Application Services API and SDK. Use the index in the left pane to find specific information.
If you manually modify a BIG-IP FAST tenant outside of BIG-IP FAST via TMSH, GUI, REST API for example, BIG-IP FAST will overwrite those changes the next time the BIG-IP FAST template modifies the tenant. See Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information.