
Introduced : BIG-IP_v9.0
The Common module contains the common set of aliases, structs, and exceptions in the iApp environment.


Interface Description





A struct that describes an address object name/port pair.


A struct that describes a range of IP address. Users can specify an IP address range as the source or destination IP addresses in an AFM rule. For example, an IPv4 address range will match all 245 addresses,,, …, There are some constraints when specifying the IP address ranges: 1) The first IP address in an address range must be numerically less than the second IP address of the same address range. For example, is not a valid IP address range. 2) Address range is inclusive of the first and second IP addresses. In other words, an address range A-B includes both address A and B. 3) The first IP address and the second IP address in an address range must be of the same type (i.e., both addresses are IPv4 addresses, or both addresses are IPv6 addresses). 4) The first IP address and the second IP address in an address range must be in the same route domain.


A struct that describes an expiration period.


A struct that describes a firewall rule ICMP type and code, as described in RFC 792. This is used for matching against ICMP types and codes. A value of 255 for either ICMP type or code is a wildcard value. Values should be 0 to 255.


A struct that describes a firewall rule placement type. This allows you to specify where to place new firewall rules in relation to other rules. Note that the system currently requires you to initialize all structure fields, so if one field or another of this structure isn&apost needed, you still must supply a value (such as 0).


A struct that describes a firewall rule and its statistics.


A struct that describes firewall rule statistics and timestamp.


A struct that specifies Geo Location.


An struct that specifies either an explicit IP address, or a hostname.


A struct that describes an IP address/netmask.


A struct that describes an IP address/port pair.


A key/value combination.


A 64-bit, signed integer.


An struct that specifies an object status.


A struct that describes the profile type and name.


A struct that describes a range of numeric ports, from begin to end inclusive.


A structure that specifies an enabled/disabled state used in profile attributes.


A structure that specifies an IP address used in profile attributes.


A structure that specifies a network address denoted in the CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing, i.e. network address/prefix) format and used in profile attributes.


A structure that specifies a port number used in profile attributes.


A structure that specifies the sFlow global type.


A struct that describes profile statistics (by virtual) and timestamp.


A structure that specifies a string used in profile attributes.


A structure that specifies a sequence of strings used in profile attributes.


A structure that specifies an unsigned long used in profile attributes.


A structure that specifies an unsigned short used in profile attributes.


A struct that describes rate and the unit being used.


A statistic entry with type and value.


A struct that describes the current time.


A struct that describes the time at which an object expires, if applicable. If expires is set to false, the object does not expire. Otherwise, it expires at the date and time specified in expiry_time. Note that if expires is set to false, any value held in expiry_time will be lost.


A struct that describes the current time zone.


A 64-bit, unsigned integer.


A struct that specifies a list of VLAN names used as ingress VLAN filters.


A struct that uniquely identifies a virtual server.


Enumeration Description
ArmedState A list of armed states.
AuthenticationMethod A list of different authentication methods.
AutoLasthop A list of auto-lasthop settings. This controls how the system routes return traffic.
AvailabilityStatus A list of possible values for an object&aposs availability status.
DaemonStatus An enumeration of daemon status.
EnabledState A list of enabled states.
EnabledStatus A list of possible values for enabled status.
Feature High availability feature. Each high availability feature represents a failure state. The documentation for each feature also includes a description of the feature key and client data if either is given.
FileChainType An enumeration of chaining flags used in file transfers. This is used to avoid having to transfer the whole file at one time.
FirewallPolicyType A list of Firewall policy types. A staged policy&aposs rules provide the visibility only (statistics, logging events and network reports) of what would happen if the rules were enforced. They are actually not enforced.
FirewallRuleAction A list of Firewall rule actions.
FirewallRulePlacementType A list of Firewall rule placement types.
FirewallRuleState A list of Firewall rule states.
HAAction An enumeration of HA (High Availability) actions.
HAState An enumeration of HA (High Availability) states.
IPHostType An enumeration to indicate whether the entry is an IP address or a hostname.
MetadataPersistence A struct that describes the persistence for the user metadata.
PoolProfileType A list of pool profile types.
ProtocolType An enumeration of protocol types.
ProvisionLevel Module provisioning levels.
SFlowGlobalType A list of possible sFlow global types.
SourcePortBehavior An enumeration controlling source port behavior.
StatisticType An enumeration of different statistic types.
TMOSModule A list of TMOS modules.
TrafficAccelerationStatus An enum that specifies whether and to what level the component is in use by traffic acceleration.
UnitType A list of unit types.
VerificationStatus An enumeration of signature/checksum verification status.


Exception Description
AccessDenied Raised if the credentials are not valid.
InvalidArgument Raised if one of the arguments is invalid.
InvalidUser Raised when the credentials cannot be validated.
NoSuchInterface Raised when the requested interface name is not found.
NotImplemented Raised if the method is not implemented yet.
OperationFailed Raised if the operation failed.
OutOfMemory Raised if a memory allocation error occurs.


Constant Type Value Description


Alias Type Description
AddressPortSequence AddressPort [] A sequence of address object name/port definitions.
AddressPortSequenceSequence AddressPort [] [] A sequence of address object name/port definition sequences.
AddressRangeSequence AddressRange [] A sequence of address ranges.
AddressRangeSequenceSequence AddressRange [] [] A sequence of sequence of address ranges.
AddressRangeSequenceSequenceSequence AddressRange [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of address ranges.
AnySequence any [] A sequence of Any. Any provides a universal type that can hold a value of an arbitrary IDL type. You can use Any to send and receive values whose types are not fixed at compile time.
ArmedStateSequence ArmedState [] A sequence of armed states.
AuthenticationMethodSequence AuthenticationMethod [] A sequence of authentication methods.
AutoLasthopSequence AutoLasthop [] A sequence of auto-lasthop settings.
AvailabilityStatusSequence AvailabilityStatus [] A sequence of availability statuses.
BooleanSequence boolean [] A sequence of Boolean values.
BooleanSequenceSequence boolean [] [] A sequence of sequence of Boolean values.
CharSequence char [] A sequence of Chars.
DoubleSequence double [] A sequence of double, floating-point integers.
EnabledStateSequence EnabledState [] A sequence of EnabledState&aposs.
EnabledStateSequenceSequence EnabledState [] [] A sequence of sequences of member states.
EnabledStateSequenceSequenceSequence EnabledState [] [] [] A sequence of sequences of member states.
EnabledStatusSequence EnabledStatus [] A sequence of enabled statuses.
ExpirationSequence Expiration [] A sequence of Expirations.
FirewallRuleActionSequence FirewallRuleAction [] A sequence of firewall actions.
FirewallRuleActionSequenceSequence FirewallRuleAction [] [] A sequence of sequence of firewall actions.
FirewallRuleICMPTypeCodeSequence FirewallRuleICMPTypeCode [] A sequence of firewall rule ICMP types and codes.
FirewallRuleICMPTypeCodeSequenceSequence FirewallRuleICMPTypeCode [] [] A sequence of sequence of firewall rule ICMP types and codes.
FirewallRuleICMPTypeCodeSequenceSequenceSequence FirewallRuleICMPTypeCode [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of firewall rule ICMP types and codes.
FirewallRulePlacementSequence FirewallRulePlacement [] A sequence of firewall rule placements.
FirewallRulePlacementSequenceSequence FirewallRulePlacement [] [] A sequence of sequence of firewall rule placements.
FirewallRuleStateSequence FirewallRuleState [] A sequence of firewall rule states.
FirewallRuleStateSequenceSequence FirewallRuleState [] [] A sequence of sequence of firewall rule states.
FirewallRuleStatisticEntrySequence FirewallRuleStatisticEntry [] A sequence of firewall rule statistics.
FirewallRuleStatisticEntrySequenceSequence FirewallRuleStatisticEntry [] [] A sequence of sequence of firewall rule statistics.
FirewallRuleStatisticsSequence FirewallRuleStatistics [] A sequence of firewall rule statistics and timestamp.
FloatSequence float [] A sequence of floating integers.
GeoLocationSequence GeoLocation [] A sequence of GeoLocation entries.
GeoLocationSequenceSequence GeoLocation [] [] A sequence of sequence of Geo Location entries.
GeoLocationSequenceSequenceSequence GeoLocation [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of Geo Location entries.
HAActionSequence HAAction [] A sequence of HA actions.
HAActionSequenceSequence HAAction [] [] A sequence of HA action sequences.
HAStateSequence HAState [] A sequence of HA states.
HAStateSequenceSequence HAState [] [] A sequence of sequences of HA states.
IPAddress String An IP address.
IPAddressSequence String [] A sequence of IP addresses.
IPAddressSequenceSequence String [] [] A sequence of sequence of IP addresses.
IPAddressSequenceSequenceSequence String [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of IP addresses.
IPAddressSequenceSequenceSequenceSequence String [] [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of sequence of IP addresses.
IPHostSequence IPHost [] A sequence of IPHost entries.
IPNetmaskSequence IPNetmask [] A sequence of IP address/netmask definitions.
IPNetmaskSequenceSequence IPNetmask [] [] An alias for sequence of sequence of IP address/netmask definitions.
IPNetmaskSequenceSequenceSequence IPNetmask [] [] [] An alias for sequence of sequence of sequence of IP address/netmask definitions.
IPPortDefinitionSequence IPPortDefinition [] A sequence of IP address/port definitions.
IPPortDefinitionSequenceSequence IPPortDefinition [] [] An alias for sequence of sequence of IP address/port definitions.
IPPortDefinitionSequenceSequenceSequence IPPortDefinition [] [] [] An alias for sequence of sequence of sequence of IP address/port definitions.
KeyValueSequence KeyValue [] A sequence of key/value pairs.
Long64Sequence Long64 [] A sequence of 64-bit, signed integers.
LongSequence long [] A sequence of long integers.
LongSequenceSequence long [] [] A sequence of long integer sequences.
LongSequenceSequenceSequence long [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of long integer sequences.
LongSequenceSequenceSequenceSequence long [] [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of long integer sequences.
MetadataPersistenceSequence MetadataPersistence [] A sequence of persistence state.
MetadataPersistenceSequenceSequence MetadataPersistence [] [] A sequence of sequence of persistence state.
MetadataPersistenceSequenceSequenceSequence MetadataPersistence [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of persistence state.
NetAddress String A CIDR prefix, with optional prefix length, e.g., “”.
NetAddressSequence String [] A sequence of IP network addresses.
NetAddressSequenceSequence String [] [] A sequence of sequence of IP network addresses.
NetAddressSequenceSequenceSequence String [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of IP network addresses.
ObjectStatusSequence ObjectStatus [] A sequence of object statuses.
ObjectStatusSequenceSequence ObjectStatus [] [] A sequence of object status sequences.
OctetSequence char [] A sequence of octets (eight-bit bytes).
PoolProfileAttributeSequence PoolProfileAttribute [] A sequence of profile types and names.
PoolProfileAttributeSequenceSequence PoolProfileAttribute [] [] A sequence of sequence of profile types and names.
PoolProfileAttributeSequenceSequenceSequence PoolProfileAttribute [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of profile types and names.
PortNumber long An alias for port number.
PortRangeSequence PortRange [] A sequence of PortRanges.
PortRangeSequenceSequence PortRange [] [] A sequence of PortRangeSequences.
PortRangeSequenceSequenceSequence PortRange [] [] [] A sequence of PortRangeSequenceSequences.
PortSequence long [] A sequence of port numbers.
PortSequenceSequence long [] [] A sequence of sequence of port numbers.
PortSequenceSequenceSequence long [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of port numbers.
ProfileEnabledStateSequence ProfileEnabledState [] A sequence of profile enabled/disabled states.
ProfileIPAddressSequence ProfileIPAddress [] A sequence of profile IP addresses.
ProfileNetAddressSequence ProfileNetAddress [] A sequence of profile network addresses.
ProfilePortNumberSequence ProfilePortNumber [] A sequence of profile port number.
ProfileSFlowGlobalTypeSequence ProfileSFlowGlobalType [] A sequence of sFlow global type specifications.
ProfileStringArraySequence ProfileStringArray [] A sequence of sequence of profile strings.
ProfileStringSequence ProfileString [] A sequence of profile strings.
ProfileULongSequence ProfileULong [] A sequence of profile unsigned longs.
ProfileUShortSequence ProfileUShort [] A sequence of profile unsigned shorts.
ProtocolTypeSequence ProtocolType [] A sequence of Protocol types.
ProtocolTypeSequenceSequence ProtocolType [] [] A sequence of sequence of Protocol types.
ProvisionLevelSequence ProvisionLevel [] A sequence of provisioning levels
RateUnitSequence RateUnit [] A sequence of Rate Units.
RateUnitSequenceSequence RateUnit [] [] A sequence of sequence of Rate Units.
SFlowGlobalTypeSequence SFlowGlobalType [] A sequence of sFlow global types.
ShortSequence short [] A sequence of short integers.
SourcePortBehaviorSequence SourcePortBehavior [] A sequence of source port behaviors.
StatisticSequence Statistic [] A sequence of different statistics.
StatisticSequenceSequence Statistic [] [] A sequence of sequence of different statistics.
StatisticSequenceSequenceSequence Statistic [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of different statistics.
StringSequence String [] A sequence of string values.
StringSequenceSequence String [] [] A sequence of sequence of string values.
StringSequenceSequenceSequence String [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of string values.
StringSequenceSequenceSequenceSequence String [] [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of sequence of sequence of string values.
TMOSModuleSequence TMOSModule [] A sequence of modules.
TMOSModuleSequenceSequence TMOSModule [] [] A sequence of module sequences.
TimeStampExpirySequence TimeStampExpiry [] A sequence of Timestamp Expiry.
TimeStampExpirySequenceSequence TimeStampExpiry [] [] A sequence of Timestamp Expiry sequences.
TimeStampSequence TimeStamp [] A sequence of Timestamps.
TimeStampSequenceSequence TimeStamp [] [] A sequence of Timestamp sequences.
TrafficAccelerationStatusSequence TrafficAccelerationStatus [] A sequence of traffic acceleration statuses.
TrafficAccelerationStatusSequenceSequence TrafficAccelerationStatus [] [] A sequence of sequence of traffic acceleration statuses.
ULong long An unsigned long integer.
ULong64Sequence ULong64 [] A sequence of 64-bit, unsigned integers.
ULong64SequenceSequence ULong64 [] [] A sequence of 64-bit unsigned integer sequences.
ULongSequence long [] A sequence of unsigned long integers.
ULongSequenceSequence long [] [] A sequence of unsigned long integer sequences.
ULongSequenceSequenceSequence long [] [] [] A sequence of sequence of unsigned long integer sequences.
UShort short An unsigned short integer.
UShortSequence short [] A sequence of unsigned short integers.
UShortSequenceSequence short [] [] A sequence of unsigned short integer sequences.
UnitTypeSequence UnitType [] A sequence of unit types.
VLANFilterListSequence VLANFilterList [] A sequence of VLANFilterLists.
VerificationStatusSequence VerificationStatus [] A sequence of verification status items.
VirtualServerSequence VirtualServerDefinition [] A sequence of virtual server definitions.
VirtualServerSequenceSequence VirtualServerDefinition [] [] A alias for a sequence of virtual server definitions.

See Also


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Sample Code

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