
The F5BigFastl4Setting CR currently provides one option to fine-tune how Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) handles connections. Once configured and installed, the F5BigFastl4Setting CR can then be referenced by the F5BigContextSecure Custom Resource (CR).

This document guides you through understanding, configuring and installing a simple F5BigFastl4Setting CR.

CR parameters

The table below describes the CR spec parameters:

Parameter Description
idleTimeout Specifies the number of seconds that a connection is idle before the connection is eligible for deletion: 0 to 4294967295. The default value is 300.
ipFragReass This is a configurable option to enable/disable fragmentation reassembly in TMM. The default value for this parameter is false. If the F5BigContextSecure uses FastL4 profile and fragmentation reassembly is required, the user has to enable this option by setting the value as true.

CR Example

apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
kind: F5BigFastl4Setting
  name: "cnf-fastl4-optimize"
  namespace: "cnf-gateway"
  idleTimeout: 150
  ipFragReass: false

Default profile

After installing the BIG-IP Controller, a default F5BigFastL4Setting CR is created in each new namespace. In this example, a default F5BigFastL4Setting CR exists in the cnf-gateway namespace:

oc get f5-big-fastl4-settings -n cnf-gateway


Ensure you have:


Use the steps below to install the F5BigTcpSetting CR.

  1. Copy the example F5BigTcpSetting CR modifies the idleTimeout period. Copy and paste the example into a YAML file:

    apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1"
    kind: F5BigFastl4Setting
      name: "cnf-fastl4-optimize"
      namespace: "cnf-gateway"
      idleTimeout: 150
      ipFragReass: false
  2. Install the CR:

    oc apply -f cnf-fastl4-cr.yaml

    In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigTcpSetting CR was added/updated:

    I0202 12:00:00.12349   1 event.go:282 Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5TcpSetting",
    TcpSetting cnf-gateway/cnf-tcp-optimize was added/updated
  3. The example F5BigContextSecure CR listens for connections destined to IP addresses in the 2002::200:200:200:0/112 subnet, using any protocol, and only on the subscriber-vlan interface. The CR also references the F5BigFastl4Setting profile. Copy and paste the example into a YAML file:

    apiVersion: k8s.f5net.com/v1
    kind: F5BigContextSecure
      name: "cnf-context"
      namespace: "cnf-gateway"
       ipv6destinationAddress: "2002::200:200:200:0/112"
       destinationPort: 0
       ipProtocol: "any"
       profile: "fastL4"
         profileName: "cnf-fastl4-optimize"
           - "subscriber-vlan"
  4. Install the F5BigContextSecure CR:

    oc apply -f f5-cnf-context.yaml

    In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigContextSecure CR was added/updated:

    I0202 12:00:00:12350    1 event.go:282] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5SecureContext",
    SecureContext cnf-gateway/cnf-context was added/updated
  5. The TMM Proxy Pod can now process application traffic using the F5BigFastl4Setting CR.

  6. To see how the packets are received and forwarded with fragments, perform the following:

    • Login to the TMM pod by using the following command:

      oc exec -it tmm_pod_name -c debug -- /bin/bash
    • Run the following command to see the IP stats:

      /tmctl -d blade ip_stat

      Following is a sample output for the command. If the reassembleFrags parameter is set to true and the TMM receives a fragmented packet, then the reassembled counter will get incremented.

      tx     rx     dropped rx_frag rx_frag_dropped tx_frag tx_frag_dropped
      ------ ------ ------- ------- --------------- ------- ---------------
      125494 155586       0       0               0       0               0
      reassembled err_cksum err_len err_mem err_rtx err_proto err_opt
      ----------- --------- ------- ------- ------- --------- -------
            0         0       0       0       0         0       0

      _images/spk_info.png Note: Values can be seen in the IP stats only when the reassembleFrags parameter is set to true. If the values is set to false, the values will be displayed as zero.


Provide feedback to improve this document by emailing cnfdocs@f5.com.