CNFs Software¶
The Cloud-Native Network Functions (CNFs) custom resource definitions (CRDs), software images and installation Helm charts are provided in a single TAR file. A CNFs public signing key, and two signature files are also provided to validate the TAR file’s integrity. Once validated and extracted, the software images can be uploaded to a local container registry, and integrated into the cluster using the CNFs Helm charts. Finally, the CNFs CRDs will be installed into the cluster.
This document describes the CNFs software, and guides you through validating, extracting and installing the CNF software components.
Software images¶
The table below lists and describes the software images for this software release. For a full list of software images by release, refer to the Software Releases guide.
Note: The software image name and deployed container name may differ.
Image | Version | Description |
f5ingress | v1000.480.0-0.0.10 | The helm_release-f5ingress container is a custom CNF controller that watches the K8S API for CR updates, and configures either AFM or TMM based on the update. |
f5ing-tmm-pod-manager | v0.17.18-0.0.2 | The tmm-pod-manager container is a part of f5ingress pod, which is mainly responsible for watching TMM pod events and propagating the TMM pod information to f5ingress main container and other control plane pods. These pods push configurations to TMM pods. |
f5-core-file-manager | v0.0.4 | Runs as a daemonset in every node of the deployed cluster. Responsible for monitoring and detecting the core files of CNF subsystem, adding metadata to the CNF core files and moving them to a CNF controlled Persistence Storage. |
spk-csrc | v0.3.6 | The spk-csrc containers (daemon-set) used to support the Calico Egress GW feature. |
tmm-img | v1000.950.0-0.0.6 | The f5-tmm container is a Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) instance that proxies and load balances application traffic between the external and internal networks. |
f5-l4p-engine | v1.100.30-0.0.4 | The f5-afm-pccd container is an Application Firewall Manager (AFM) instance that converts firewall rules and NAT policies into the binary large objects (BLOBs) used by TMM. |
f5-nsec-ips-daemon | v3.0.6 | The f5-ipsd container is the intrusion detection and prevention instance, providing deep packet inspection and prevention of malignant network packets. |
tmrouted-img | v0.12.4 | The f5-tmm-tmrouted container proxies and forwards information between the f5-tmm-routing and f5-tmm containers. |
f5dr-img | v0.12.4-0.0.3 | The f5-tmm-routing container maintains the dynamic routing tables used by TMM. |
f5-toda-tmstatsd | v1.9.28 | The f5-toda-stats container collects application traffic processing statistics from the f5-tmm container, and forwards the data to the Otel Collectors. |
f5-dssm-store | v1.26.6 | Contains two sets of software images; The f5-dssm-db containers that store shared, persisted session state data, and the f5-dssm-sentinel containers to monitor the f5-dssm-db containers. For more info, refer to dSSM database. |
spk-cwc | v0.32.6-0.0.2 | The cnf-cwc container enables software licensing, and reports telemetry statistics regarding monthly software usage. Refer to CNFs CWC. |
f5-license-helper | v0.11.0-0.0.2 | The f5-lic-helper communicates with the spk-cwc to determine the current license status of the cluster. |
rabbit | v0.4.12 | The rabbitmq-server container as a general message bus, integrating CNFs CWC with the BIG-IP Controller Pod(s) for licensing purposes. |
cert-manager-controller | 2.2.3 | The cert-manager-controller manages the generation and rotation of the SSL/TLS certificate that are stored as Secrets, to secure communication between the various CNFs Pods. |
cert-manager-cainjector | 2.2.3 | The cert-manager-cainjector assists the cert-manager-controller to configure the CA certificates used by the cert-manager-webhook and K8S API. |
cert-manager-webhook | 2.2.3 | The cert-manager-webhook ensures that SSL/TLS certificate resources created or updated by the cert-manager-contoller conform to the API specifications. |
f5-debug-sidecar | v7.298.1-0.0.4 | The debug container provides diagnostic tools for viewing TMM's configuration, traffic processing statistics and gathering TMM diagnostic data. For more info, refer to Debug Sidecar. |
f5-fluentbit | v0.8.8 | The fluentbit container collects and forwards statistics to the f5-fluentd container. Multiple versions are included to support the different CNFs containers. |
f5-fluentd | v1.5.11 | The f5-fluentd container collects statistics and logging data from the Controller, TMM and dSSM Pods. For more info, refer to Fluentd Logging. |
opentelemetry-collecto-contib | 0.75.0 | The otel-collector container gathers metrics and statistics from the TMM Pods. Refer to OTEL Collector. |
f5-dssm-upgrader | 1.2.10 | The dssm-upgrade-hook enables dSSM DBs upgrades without service interruption or data loss. Refer to Upgrading dSSM. |
f5-csm-qkview | v27.2.10-0.1.0 | The f5-csm-qkview includes the qkview-orchestrator service, which manages requests from CWC to create or download qkview tar files. It communicates with qkview-collect, initiating the process of generating and downloading qkview tar files from containers within a designated namespace. |
f5-cert-client | v2.3.8 | The f5-cert-client container provides an interface for CNF components to request certificates from f5-cert-manager. Additionally, f5-cert-client can provide certificate rotation functionality for those CNF components. |
crd-conversion | v1.53.3 | The f5-crd-conversion container handles the automatic conversion of multiple CRD versions based on the specified namespace and version in the cluser, without affecting existing CRs. |
f5-downloader | v1.6.17 | The f5-downloader pod is used for upgrading IM package for IPS feature. Enums of IPS CRD will be upgraded using this pod. |
f5-blobd | v0.12.10 | The f5-blobd container allows loading binary large objects (BLOBs) into the TMM memory. It is required for AFM use-cases, like firewall and NAT. |
f5nxtctl | 0.1.19 | The f5nxtctl is a BIGIP Next Control command line tool used to abstract and automate the installation and veritfication of f5 components and specific sevices in a short amount of time. |
Ensure you have:
- Obtained the CNF software tarball.
- A local container registry.
- A workstation with Podman.
Validate and extract¶
Use the following steps to validate the CNFs tarball, extract the software images, installation Helm charts, and CRDs.
Create a new directory for the CNFs files:
mkdir <directory>
In this example, the new directory is named cnfinstall:
mkdir cnfinstall
Move the CNFs files into the directory:
mv f5-cnf-1.3.3.tgz* f5-cnf-1.3.3.pem cnfinstall
Change into the directory and list the files:
cd cnfinstall; ls -1
The files appear as:
f5-cnf-1.3.3.pem f5-cnf-1.3.3.tgz f5-cnf-sha512.txt-1.3.3.sha512.sig f5-cnf.tgz-1.3.3.sha512.sig
Use the PEM signing key and each SHA signature file to validate the CNFs TAR file:
openssl dgst -verify <pem file>.pem -keyform PEM \ -sha512 -signature <sig file>.sig <tar file>.tgz
The command output states Verified OK for each signature file:
openssl dgst -verify f5-cnf-1.3.3.pem -keyform PEM -sha512 \ -signature f5-cnf.tgz-1.3.3.sha512.sig f5-cnf-1.3.3.tgz
Verified OK
openssl dgst -verify f5-cnf-1.3.3.pem -keyform PEM -sha512 \ -signature f5-cnf--sha512.txt-1.3.3.sha512.sig f5-cnf-1.3.3.tgz
Verified OK
Extract the CNFs images, Helm charts, and CRDs from the TAR file:
tar xvf f5-cnf-1.3.3.tgz
List the newly extracted files:
ls -1
The file list shows the CRD bundless and the CNF image TAR file named f5-cnf-images-1.3.3.tgz:
f5-cnf-crds-n6lan-0.161.0-0.1.2.tgz f5-cnf-images-1.3.3.tgz f5-cnf-1.3.3.tgz
Extract the CNF Helm charts and software images:
tar xvf f5-cnf-images-1.3.3.tgz
List the extracted Helm charts and software images:
ls -1R
The file list shows a new tar directory with the following files:
f5-cnf-crds-n6lan-0.161.0-0.1.2.tgz f5-cnf-images-1.3.3.tgz f5-cnf-1.3.3.tgz tar ./tar: cnf-docker-images.tgz core-file-manager-0.0.8.tgz csrc-0.5.2-0.0.2.tgz cwc-0.14.15-0.0.8.tgz f5-cert-gen-0.9.2.tgz f5-cert-manager-0.22.22-0.0.4.tgz f5-crdconversion-0.9.4-0.0.3.tgz f5-dssm-0.67.7-0.0.4.tgz f5-toda-fluentd-1.23.36-0.0.1.tgz f5ingress-v1000.480.0-0.0.10.tgz f5nxtctl-0.1.19.tgz rabbitmq-0.2.8-0.0.3.tgz
Install CRDs¶
Use the following steps to extract and install the new CNF CRDs.
List the CNF CRD bundle:
ls -1 | grep crd
The file list shows CRD bundle:
Install the CRD using Helm install:
helm install f5crds f5-cnf-crds-n6lan-0.161.0-0.1.2.tgz -f crd-values.yaml
Example: crd-values.yaml file (We only need to use this namespace parameter when CRD Conversion is deployed in a non-default namespace. The value of the namespace parameter should match the namespace in which CRD Conversion is deployed.)
conversion: namespace: cnf-crdconversion
Note the command output: Newly installed CRDs will be indicated by created, and updated CRDs will be indicated by configured: unchanged configured unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged configured unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
List the installed CNFs CRDs:
oc get crds | grep f5
The CRD listing will contain the full list of CRDs: 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z 2024-01-24T19:03:03Z
Install the F5 Cert Manager. For more information on how to install cert-manager, follow the Cert Manager guide.
Install the CRD Conversion pod with latest version using Helm install:
helm install f5-crd-conversion -n cnf-crdconversion tar/f5-crdconversion-0.9.4-0.0.3.tgz -f crd-conversion-values.yaml
Following is an example to compose
file:crdconversion: enabled: true rabbitmqNamespace: "test" image: repository: pullPolicy: Always fluentbit_sidecar: enabled: false image: repository:
Verify the STATUS of the CRD Conversion pod:
In this example, CRD Conversion Pod is installed in the cnf-crdconversion Project.
oc get pod -n cnf-crdconversion
As we can see CRD Conversion pod is created.
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE f5-crd-conversion-8478b9y96-asfd1 1/1 Running 0 30s
Upload the images¶
Use the following steps to upload the CNFs software images to a local container registry.
Install the CNFs images to your workstation’s Podman image store:
podman load -i tar/cnf-docker-images.tgz
List the CNF images to be tagged and pushed to the local container registry in the next step:
podman images --format "table {{.Repository}} {{.Tag}} {{.ID}}"
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID local.registry/f5ingress v1000.480.0-0.0.10 95398438697f local.registry/tmm-img v1000.950.0-0.0.6 10bbc4800328 local.registry/init-certmgr v0.22.22-0.0.4 04cb2b5c952c local.registry/f5-l4p-engine v1.100.30-0.0.4 5466e1ca72b5 local.registry/f5ing-tmm-pod-manager v0.17.18-0.0.4 795ff6a43525 local.registry/f5-license-helper v0.11.0-0.0.2 501aa8e8686b local.registry/f5-blobd v0.12.10 9c3066c6777f local.registry/crd-conversion v1.53.3 1518b0cc6ca5 local.registry/f5-cert-client v2.3.8 f41e350817e9 local.registry/f5-debug-sidecar v7.298.1-0.0.4 ff47c77dbc98 local.registry/f5dr-img-init v0.12.4-0.0.3 ba4a9b7b6e8b local.registry/f5dr-img v0.12.4-0.0.3 a2d494b999ab local.registry/spk-cwc v0.32.6-0.0.2 1b88e66689c9 local.registry/f5-nsec-ips-daemon v3.0.6 59a3a280db9c local.registry/spk-csrc v0.3.6 572de96b7cc3 local.registry/f5-downloader v1.6.17 61a9e3ca4100 local.registry/rabbit v0.4.12 4fc710b2ff4a local.registry/f5-csm-qkview v27.2.10-0.1.0 66d8e1a71c7c local.registry/crdupdater v0.4.12 fab96c54d69c local.registry/f5-core-file-manager v0.0.4 90fa31135ca9 local.registry/f5-fluentbit v0.8.8 6609127c909c local.registry/f5-fluentd v1.5.11 9687c7b2c5ba local.registry/f5-toda-tmstatsd v1.9.28 0ab667bee20e local.registry/f5-dssm-upgrader v1.2.10 b2f423831715 local.registry/tmrouted-img v0.12.4 0c66111f5aa0 local.registry/f5-dssm-store v1.26.6 fa2af62e5100 local.registry/cert-manager-ctl 2.2.3 48f768b562b4 local.registry/cert-manager-webhook 2.2.3 edec31deeece local.registry/cert-manager-cainjector 2.2.3 100c82bbf515 local.registry/cert-manager-controller 2.2.3 86b90770dd0b local.registry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib 0.75.0 00fe8f105583
Tag and push each image to the local container registry. For example:
podman tag <local.registry/image name>:<version> <registry>/<image name>:<version>
podman push <registry_name>/<image name>:<version>
In this example, the f5ingress:v1000.480.0-0.0.10 image is tagged and pushed to the remote registry
podman tag local.registry/f5ingress:v1000.480.0-0.0.10
podman push
Note: If you encounter the “insufficient UIDs or GIDs available in user namespace” error while pushing the Docker image, kindly use the following command:
A. If you are pushing an image, use this command:
podman --storage-opt overlay.ignore_chown_errors=true push <registry>/<image name>:<version>
podman --storage-opt overlay.ignore_chown_errors=true push
B. If you still encounter the error while pushing the image, increase the subuids and subgids range to larger values. Make sure the subuids and subgids fit within the required range.
sudo usermod --add-subuids 200000-2010000000 <USERNAME>
sudo usermod --add-subgids 200000-2010000000 <USERNAME>
Once all of the images have uploaded, verify the images exist in the local container registry:
curl -X GET https://<registry>/v2/_catalog -u <user:pass>
For example:
curl -X GET -u cnfadmin:cnfadmin
Next step¶
Continue to the CNFs Cert Manager guide to secure CNFs communications.
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