Available fields of networkFieldListΒΆ
The available fields of networkFieldList are as follows:
- attack_type
- blocking_exception_reason
- captcha_result
- client_type
- compression_method
- conviction_traps
- credential_stuffing_lookup_result
- date_time
- dest_ip
- dest_port
- device_id
- enforced_by
- enforcement_action
- epoch_time
- fragment
- geo_location
- headers
- http_class_name
- ip_address_intelligence
- ip_client
- ip_with_route_domain
- is_truncated
- likely_false_positive_sig_ids
- login_result
- management_ip_address
- management_ip_address_2
- method
- microservice
- mobile_application_name
- mobile_application_version
- operation_id
- password_hash_prefix
- policy_apply_date
- policy_name
- protocol
- protocol_info
- query_string
- request
- request_status
- response
- response_code
- route_domain
- session_id
- severity
- sig_cves
- sig_ids
- sig_names
- sig_set_names
- slot_number
- src_port
- staged_sig_cves
- staged_sig_ids
- staged_sig_names
- staged_sig_set_names
- staged_threat_campaign_names
- sub_violations
- support_id
- tap_event_id
- tap_requested_action
- tap_sent_token
- tap_transaction_id
- tap_vid
- threat_campaign_names
- unit_hostname
- uri
- username
- violation_details
- violation_rating
- violations
- virus_name
- vs_name
- websocket_direction
- websocket_message_type
- x_forwarded_for_header_value