Last updated on: Nov 29, 2022.

Creating TCPIngress for an application

This use case describes a process of deploying an app into an existing Service Proxy for Kubernetes (SPK) environment, and exposing the service using a TCPIngress Custom Resource (CR) , also previously referred to as Layer4 fastL4.

Custom Resource Definitions (CRD)

SPK Install adds a number of F5 specific Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). One of these CRDs is F5SPKIngressTCP.

TCPIngress in the context of SPK

The Service Proxy for Kubernetes (SPK) TCPIngress Custom Resource Definition (CRD) configures the Service Proxy Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) for full-proxy, layer 4 (L4) TCP traffic management and load balancing. The TCPIngress CRD also enables granular connection management. For example, you can modify the type-of-service (TOS) or quality-of-service (QoS) packet headers, connection idle-timeout periods, and whether the system should send TCP reset packets. To view the full list of available TCPIngress CRD options, refer to the F5SPKIngressTCP Reference Guide.


  • You have access to an existing healthy OpenShift environment

  • You have deployed SPK version 1.6.0 in namespace “spk-ingress”

  • You have deployed an application to your watched namespace “spk-apps”

Use case scenario

  1. Application owner has containerized a new Network Function and deploys to the namespace (Project) watched by the F5ingress controller.

  2. SPK Administrator exposes the service using a TCPIngress Custom Resource (CR).

  3. End User can then consume the service by connecting to the destination address/port within TMM (Virtual Server).

TCPIngress workflow

Create a TCPIngress yaml file

Create a file tcpIngress.yaml using the sample below for deployment. Note that we specify the API version, as well as the type of ingress we would like to create (F5SPKIngressTCP). The destination port and address are reflective of Virtual Server on BIG-IP.

apiVersion: ""
kind: F5SPKIngressTCP
  # name of the Virtual Server
  name: tcpingress
  namespace: spk-apps
  # Name of the installed ServicePort for podinfo app Pod
  name: podinfo
  # ServicePort of podinfo app Pod
  port: 9898
  idleTimeout: 88000
  # the address of the Virtual Server
  # can be v4 or v6, or "dual stack" for both.
  destinationAddress: ""
  ipv6destinationAddress: ""
  # exposed kubectl service port
  destinationPort: 9001
  - failures: 3

Deploy TCPIngress Custom Resource to F5ingress

Now we can install the Ingress Route TCPIngress custom resource using the oc command-line provided with OpenShift. The install process will complete in a few seconds. Once complete you can check for the applied values using oc get with the -o yaml option. Using oc describe we can see very similar details in a different format.

oc project spk-apps
oc apply -f tcpingress.yaml -n spk-apps

Discover the f5ingress pod name

oc get pods -n spk-ingress

Confirming Proper operation

Use CURL to test application is exposed

curl http://<Your IP Address>:8080

The results should look something like this:

  "hostname": "podinfo-869b98bb5c-ngsmm",
  "version": "6.2.2",
  "revision": "1cf228c67b8f8102db1a6966f81a95c09954b3e8",
  "color": "#34577c",
  "logo": "",
  "message": "greetings from podinfo v6.2.2",
  "goos": "linux",
  "goarch": "amd64",
  "runtime": "go1.19.2",
  "num_goroutine": "8",
  "num_cpu": "28"


Check connection statistics and routing

The SPK Debug Sidecar container can be access to perform various diagnostic and troubleshooting tasks.

Refer to the above link for a complete list and examples of commands available on the Debug Sidecar. See relevant examples below.

Connecting to the sidecar

To connect to the debug sidecar and begin gathering diagnostic information, use the commands below.

  1. Connect to the debug sidecar:

    oc exec -it deploy/f5-tmm -c debug -n spk-ingress -- bash
  2. Use the ping command to test connectivity to a remote host

    PING ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.067 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.067 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.067 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.067 ms
  3. Type Exit to leave the debug sidecar.


Use the tmctl tool to query Service Proxy TMM for application traffic processing statistics.

  1. Connect to the debug sidecar:

    oc exec -it deploy/f5-tmm -c debug -n spk-ingress -- bash
  2. To view virtual server connection statistics run the following command:

    tmctl -d blade virtual_server_stat -s name,clientside.tot_conns
  3. To view pool member connection statistics run the following command:

    tmctl -d blade pool_member_stat -s pool_name,serverside.tot_conns


Use the bdt_cli tool to query the Service Proxy TMM for networking data.

  1. Connect to the debug sidecar:

    oc exec -it deploy/f5-tmm -c debug -n spk-ingress -- bash
  2. Display routes

    bdt_cli -u -s tmm0:8850 route

    The output will resemble the following:

    routeType:0 isIpv6:false destNet:{ip:{addr:, rd:0} pl:32} gw:{ip:{addr:, rd:0}} gwType:1 interface:internal
    routeType:0 isIpv6:false destNet:{ip:{addr:<none>, rd:0} pl:0} gw:{ip:{addr:, rd:0}} gwType:1 interface:eth0
    routeType:1 isIpv6:false destNet:{ip:{addr:, rd:0} pl:23} gw:{ip:{addr:<none>, rd:0}} gwType:0 interface:eth0
    routeType:1 isIpv6:false destNet:{ip:{addr:, rd:0} pl:24} gw:{ip:{addr:<none>, rd:0}} gwType:0 interface:external
    routeType:1 isIpv6:false destNet:{ip:{addr:, rd:0} pl:24} gw:{ip:{addr:<none>, rd:0}} gwType:0 interface:internal
  3. Display arp tables

    bdt_cli -u -s tmm0:8850 arp

    The output will resemble the following:

    name: ipAddr: macAddr:40:a6:b7:54:55:80 vlan:internal expire:34 status:resolved
    name: ipAddr: macAddr:00:01:23:45:67:fe vlan:tmm expire:0 status:permanent
    name: ipAddr: macAddr:0a:58:0a:83:00:01 vlan:eth0 expire:82 status:resolved
    name: ipAddr: macAddr:3e:37:5d:1d:16:da vlan:internal expire:0 status:permanent
  4. Display connection info

    bdt_cli -u -s tmm0:8850 connection

    The output will resemble the following:

    csClientAddr:{ip:{addr:, rd:0}} csClientPort:56413 csServerAddr:
    {ip:{addr:, rd:0}} csServerPort:53 ssServerAddr:
    {ip:{addr:, rd:0}} ssServerPort:53 type:1 protocol:17 idleTime: 31
    idleTimeout:30 ssClientAddr:{ip:{addr:, rd:0}} ssClientPort:56413
    virtualPathAddr:{ip:{addr:<none>, rd:65535}} virtualPathPort:0 haUnitId:0
    csBytesIn:101 csBytesOut:205 csPacketsIn:1 csPacketsOut: 1 ssBytesIn:205
    ssBytesOut:101 ssPacketsIn:1 ssPacketsOut:1 lasthopInfo:tmm 00:98:76:54:32:10
    nexthopInfo:eth0 0a:58:0a:83:00:01 ingressMac:mac:"00:01:23:45:67:fe"


By default, the f5-tmm container logs events at the Notice level. You can use the tmm_cli command to modify the logging level. The logging levels are listed below in the order of message severity. More severe levels generally log messages from the lower severity levels as well.

1-Debug, 2-Informational, 3-Notice, 4-Warning, 5-Error, 6-Critical, 7-Alert, 8-Emergency

  1. Connect to the debug sidecar:

    oc exec -it deploy/f5-tmm -c debug -n spk-ingress -- bash
  2. To set the f5-tmm container’s logging level to Debug, run the following command:

    tmm_cli -logLevel 1

    The f5-tmm container will log an event message simlilar to the following:

    Set bigdb var 'log.tmm.level'='Debug'

Uninstall your demo application and TCPIngress CR

Deleting the TCPIngress custom resource is fairly straightforward. We can use the oc command again point to the yaml file and use the delete option. Alternatively, if you know the object name, type and the namespace it resides in you can delete the object without the file.

oc delete -f tcpingress.yaml