How to: Enable the shutdown flag

After changing the maximum long request length accepted by WAF, a restart is needed. The shutdown flag initiates an automatic shutdown. The container is restarted by the WAF enforcer engine.

  • If there are no services, create a service:

PUT https://{{bigip_next_mgmt_floating_ip}}:5443/api/v1/services

    "name": "service"
  • Get the BIG-IP Next service id:

GET https://{{bigip_next_mgmt_floating_ip}}:5443/api/v1/services
    "_embedded": {
        "services": [
                "_links": {
                    "access": "/services/b64eaa4e-81cd-4237-97db-a24e794798de/access",
                    "cluster": "/services/b64eaa4e-81cd-4237-97db-a24e794798de/cluster",
                    "logging": "/services/b64eaa4e-81cd-4237-97db-a24e794798de/logging",
                    "self": "/services/b64eaa4e-81cd-4237-97db-a24e794798de",
                    "waf": "/services/b64eaa4e-81cd-4237-97db-a24e794798de/waf"
                "id": "b64eaa4e-81cd-4237-97db-a24e794798de",  <<<<< This is the service id
                "name": "Default Service"
    "_links": {
        "self": "/services?"
    "count": 1,
    "total": 1
  • Create the wafSettings object with allowAutoRestarts flag enabled:

PUT https://{{bigip_next_mgmt_floating_ip}}:5443/api/v1/services/{{service_id}}/waf
    "wafSettings": {
        "enforcerSettings": {
            "allowAutoRestart": true