Demo deployment¶
Use the following steps to deploy the CNFs in demo deployment:
Verify the total pods deployed in the demo mode:
oc get nodes -o wide
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME k8s-1 Ready control-plane 201d v1.27.3 <none> Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS 5.15.0-75-generic containerd://1.6.12 k8s-2 Ready <none> 201d v1.27.3 <none> Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS 5.15.0-75-generic containerd://1.6.12 k8s-3 Ready <none> 201d v1.27.3 <none> Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS 5.15.0-75-generic containerd://1.6.12
Run the following command for interactive configuration in demo mode:
./f5nxtctl config -i
Configuring in interactive mode ... Enter [install-type]. supported values [demo production]. [default: production] Press return to choose default: demo Enter [kubeconfig]. [default: ~/.kube/config]. Press return to choose default: Enter [cluster-type]. supported values [ocp robin k8s]. [default: ocp] Press return to choose default: ocp Enter [product-type]. supported values [spk cnf]. [default: cnf] Press return to choose default: cnf Enter [package-path]: /Users/XYZ/workspace/f5nxtctl/git-repos/f5-cnf-1.3.2.tgz Enter [f5-tools-namespace]. [default: f5-tools]. Press return to choose default: Enter [f5-utils-namespace]. [default: f5-utils]. Press return to choose default: Enter [operation-mode]. supported values [connected disconnected]. [default: connected] Press return to choose default: Enter [license-type]. supported values [test production]. [default: test] Press return to choose default: Enter [f5-controller-namespace]. [default: f5-controller]. Press return to choose default: Enter [use-watch-namespace]. supported values [yes no]. [default: yes] Press return to choose default: Enter [watch-namespaces-comma-separated-list]. [default: f5-app]. Press return to choose default: Enter [number-of-tmm-interfaces]: 1 Enter [tmm-netdev-name-1]: external-netdev Enter [tmm-interface-cni-1]. supported values [sriov macvlan-passthru macvlan-bridge]. [default: sriov] Press return to choose default: macvlan-passthru Enter [tmm-interface-name-or-policy-1]: ens256 Enter [tmm_vlan_name-1]: external-vlan Enter [tmm-interface-ipaddr-1]. [help: Enter an IP address in the format]: Enter [tmm-interface-vlan-1]: 0
Verify the interactive configuration file in demo mode:
cat deployment/cfg.yaml
basedir: /Users/XYZ/workspace/f5nxtctl/git-repos/tar/f5nxtctl ismac: true install_type: demo kubeconfig: ~/.kube/config cluster_type: ocp product_type: cnf package_path: /Users/XYZ/workspace/f5nxtctl/git-repos/f5-cnf-1.3.2.tgz tools_ns: f5-tools tools_pod: f5tools.yaml utils_ns: f5-utils crd_product: f5-cnf-crds-n6lan-0.161.0-0.1.2.tgz img_cert_manager: f5-cert-manager-0.22.22-0.0.4.tgz img_rabbitmq: rabbitmq-0.2.8-0.0.3.tgz img_cwc: cwc-0.14.15-0.0.8.tgz cwc_operation_mode: connected license_type: test img_crdconversion: f5-crdconversion-0.9.4-0.0.3.tgz controller_ns: f5-controller img_fluentd: f5-toda-fluentd-1.23.36-0.0.1.tgz img_dssm: f5-dssm-0.67.7-0.0.4.tgz img_controller: f5ingress-v1000.480.0-0.0.10.tgz use-watch-namespace: yes watch_namespace: f5-app number_of_tmm_interfaces: 1 tmm_netdev_name_1: external-netdev tmm_iface_cni_1: macvlan-passthru tmm_iface_name_or_policy_1: ens256 tmm_vlan_name_1: external-vlan tmm_ip_with_prefixlen_1: tmm_ipaddr_1: tmm_ip_prefixlen_1: 24 tmm_vlan_1: 0
Important: Unsupported Features in Demo deployment are as follows:
- In the demo deployment, the JWT and licensing configuration are hard-coded into values.yaml and are not expected as user input. As a result, production JWT cannot be verified in the demo deployment.
- IPv6 is not supported.
- For CNF deployment in demo mode, only two tmm interfaces are supported for now.
- While deploying CNF(production/demo), comment “f5-common” crd in deploy-order.yaml as this is only required for SPK.
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