Verifying CNFs Deployment

Run the following command to verify the CNFs deployment status:

f5nxtctl deploy verify
2023-12-07T09:20:46.893Z [DEBU] logging/logger.go:65                          Logging Level: debug

===> Checking if resource [f5-tools]: Type:[namespace], Namespace:[] is created...  Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-tools]: Type:[pod], Namespace:[f5-tools] is created...    Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-utils]: Type:[namespace], Namespace:[] is created...  Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-crds-common]: Type:[crd], Namespace:[f5-utils] is created...  Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-crds-product]: Type:[crd], Namespace:[f5-utils] is created... Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-cert-manager]: Type:[pod], Namespace:[f5-utils] is created... Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-rabbitmq]: Type:[pod], Namespace:[f5-utils] is created... Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-cwc]: Type:[pod], Namespace:[f5-utils] is created...  Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-crd-conversion]: Type:[pod], Namespace:[f5-utils] is created...   Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-controller]: Type:[namespace], Namespace:[] is created... Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-fluentd]: Type:[pod], Namespace:[f5-controller] is created... Created

===> Checking if resource [f5-dssm]: Type:[pod], Namespace:[f5-controller] is created...    Created

===> Checking if resource [f5ingress]: Type:[pod], Namespace:[f5-controller] is created...  Created


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