Lab 1 - Deploy the application

For this lab, we will deploy the same application that we have used before right on the Customer Edge which will function as a Kubernetes Cluster.

  1. Go to Distributed Apps -> Managed K8s -> Overview -> $$ceOnPrem.clusterName$$.

    You can observe all the Kubernetes objects and dashboard

  2. Now we need to start deploying out app. First we need to download the kubeconfig file to access our kubernetes environment.

    1. Distributed Apps -> Managed K8s -> Overview -> Click on the 3 dots to the right on the $$ceOnPrem.clusterName$$ row -> Download Global Kubeconfig

    2. Go to the UDF deployment click Components on the Jumphost component click Access. A drop down will open, click WEB SHELL, a new tab will shell access will open.

    3. We will now need to enter the kubeconfig file contents

      Run the bellow commands

      su ubuntu
      nano /home/ubuntu/.kube/config

      Paste the kubeconfig file contents.

      Click CTRL + o -> Enter to save the file

      Click CTRL + x to exit the file editor and get back to the bash

    4. Check that the connectivity to the Kubernetes cluster is working by running the bellow command

      kubectl get nodes
  3. Run the bellow commands in order to deploy the app

    kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/lab/udf/appstack/arcadia.yaml
  4. Return to the Kubernetes Dashboard and observe the newly created objects.

    Go to Distributed Apps -> Managed K8s -> Overview -> $$ceOnPrem.clusterName$$