1.2. Obtain and Import the Pre-built Template

1.2.1. Obtain the Pre-built Template

  1. The latest released version App Services Integration iApp can be found at https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-application-services-integration-iApp/releases.

1.2.2. Import the Template

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to

    https://<BIG-IP Management IP>

    . You may be prompted with an SSL/TLS security warning. It is safe to bypass this warning in this case.


    Template installation is possible via API and included scripts. These methods are covered in subsequent labs

  2. Authenticate to the BIG-IP system with an admin user (default is admin/admin)

  3. On the navigation menu on the left of the screen click iApps -> Templates

  4. Click the ‘Import…’ button on the top right of the screen

  5. Click the ‘Choose File’ button

  6. Find the


    file saved previously and double click it

  7. Click the ‘Upload’ button

You should now see a template beginning with the name ‘appsvcs_integration’ at the top of the template list


iApp templates are part of the BIG-IP config; as a result they will be synchronized across BIG-IP clusters that have config synchronization enabled

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