Returns the subject of the specified X509 certificate.
X509::subject <X509 certificate>
# v16.1.3
X509::subject <X509 certificate> commonName
X509::subject <X509 certificate> commonName¶
- Returns the subject commonName (CN) found in the specified X509 certificate in UTF8 format.
- This is introduced in 16.1.3.
# Check if the client supplied one or more client certs
if {[SSL::cert count] > 0}{
# Check the first client cert subject
if { [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0]] equals "someSubject" } {
log local0. "X509 Certificate Subject [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0]]"
pool my_pool
# Check the first client cert subject commonName
if { [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0] commonName] equals "someCommonName" } {
log local0. "X509 Certificate Subject [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0] commonName]"
pool my_pool
This procedure extracts a specific DN.
# note that RFC 2253 special characters are transcoded internally
#x509SubjectExtract "C=US,O=Biz.\\,Inc.,OU=UNIT\\=foo,CN=NAME" "O"
#returns Biz.\,Inc.
#x509SubjectExtract "C=US,O=Biz.\\,Inc.,OU=UNIT\\=foo,CN=NAME" "OU"
#returns UNIT\=foo
# of course this means %f5equals5% or %f5kommaf5% must not occur in the input string
proc x509SubjectExtract { str sfield } {
set res "$sfield notFound"
set str [ regsub -all {\\,} $str "%f5kommaf5%" ]
foreach field [ split $str ","] {
set field [ regsub -all {\\=} $field "%f5equals5%" ]
foreach { fname fval } [ split $field "=" ] break
if { $fname eq $sfield } {
set res [ regsub -all {%f5equals5%} $fval \\= ]
set res [ regsub -all {%f5kommaf5%} $res \\, ]
return $res
There is a behavior changed in BIGIP-9.3.0 to support multiple
languages and RFC 2253 compliance.
Before the change
After the change
The output behavior changed again 13.0.0 due to fixes for ID 607410
(K81239824). It
still supports multiple languages and RFC 2253 compliance.
Comparison to a few OpenSSL output examples.
CN=Name, OU=UNIT, O="Biz.,Inc.", C=US
openssl x509 -in cert -noout -text | grep Subject
Subject: CN=Name, OU=UNIT, O=Biz.,Inc., C=US
openssl x509 -in cert -noout -subject
subject= /CN=Name/OU=UNIT/O=Biz.,Inc./C=US