

The GTM qos_weight command allows examination and manipulation of QoS weights used by load balancing code. Takes one or more factor/value pairs to be used in this specific computation. Accepted factors are:
  • bps
  • hit_ratio
  • hops
  • link_capacity
  • packet_rate
  • rtt
  • topology
  • vs_capacity
  • vs_score


qos_weight [pool <name>] get <factors>
qos_weight [pool <name>] set <<factor> <value>>
qos_weight [pool <name>] reset <factors>

#v12 change to include QTYPE
qos_weight [pool [QTYPE] <name>] get <factors>
qos_weight [pool [QTYPE] <name>] set <<factor> <value>>
qos_weight [pool [QTYPE] <name>] reset <factors>

qos_weight [pool <name>] get <factors>

  • Returns the current value of the factor specified, or a list of the current values if more than one factor requested.

qos_weight [pool <name>] set <<factor> <value>>

  • Takes a factor/value pair and sets the factor to that value. Must be an unsigned integer value. Empty return object.

qos_weight [pool <name>] reset <factors>

  • Sets factors specified to their hardcoded defaults. Returns the new value of the factor specified, or a list of the current values if more than one factor requested.


qos_weight get rtt topology
qos_weight set link 50 packet 120
qos_weight reset vs_score bps