

The cli preference display-threshold setting is disabled when a script is run. Note that this does not affect the .tmshrc file. You can use the TcL command tmsh::displaythreshold to re-enable the threshold. Re-enabling the threshold in this way causes the script to generate a prompt if you issue the commands tmsh::list, tmsh::show, tmsh::getconfig or tmsh::get_status and the output that is generated exceeds the threshold. See the help page for the cli preference component for a description of this setting and valid ranges for the value.


tmsh::display_threshold [integer]


proc script::run {} {

   # displays all virtuals, no confirmation
   tmsh::display [tmsh::list /ltm virtual]

   # the user will be asked to confirm before more than 500 virtuals
   # will be displayed
   tmsh::display_threshold 500
   tmsh::display [tmsh::list /ltm virtual]

   # displays all virtuals, no confirmation
   tmsh::display_threshold 0
   tmsh::display [tmsh::list /ltm virtual]
