help(1) BIG-IP TMSH Manual help(1)
help command - Displays context-sensitive help text.
All tmsh modules.
Use the command help within a tmsh module to display information about the components that reside within that module, or at
the component level to display help about the component. To display help for a component that resides in one module from
within another module, use the full path to the component.
Type the question mark (?) character anywhere in tmsh to display a list of modules, components, and commands that are
available within the module in which you are currently working.
help [module...module]
help [component]
help / [module...module] [component]
help search [text]
You can display tmsh man pages using the command help.
From within the gtm module, displays a list of modules, components, and commands that are available.
help pool
From within the gtm module, displays help about Global Traffic Manager pools.
help / ltm pool
From within the gtm module, displays help about Local Traffic Manager pools.
Specifies the type of the component for which you want to display help.
Use the search option to find help topics that contain the specified text. The search is case insensitive. Text that
contains a space or special tmsh characters must be quoted. Note that the search will not always find text that spans
multiple lines.
Specifies the module within which the component for which you want to display help resides.
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F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2010, 2012. All rights reserved.
BIG-IP 2012-10-19 help(1)