
show(1) 		      BIG-IP TMSH Manual		       show(1)

       show command - Displays statistics for and the status of specified

       All tmsh modules.

       Use the show command within a tmsh module to display statistics for and
       the status of components in that module. To display statistics for and
       the status of components in another module, use the full path to the

	show [component]
	show [component] [name]
	show / [module] [component] [name]
	    (default | exa | gig | kil | meg | peta | raw | tera | yotta | zetta)
	    (detail | global | historical)

       You can use the show command to specify the unit value in which the
       system displays statistics and the type of statistics that you want the
       system to display.

       After you reset statistics, when you run the command show, you may see
       a value of nan. This stands for not a number, which indicates that no
       data is currently available. Wait a few moments and run the show
       command again, and in most cases the nan value is replaced by an
       integer value. For more information, see help reset-stats.

       show / ltm current-module

       From within the gtm module, displays statistics and status for all the
       components within the ltm module, but not the components in the ltm
       monitor, ltm persistence, and ltm profile modules.

       show pool

       From within the gtm module, displays statistics and status for all
       Global Traffic Manager pools.

       show pool pool1

       From within the gtm module, displays statistics and status for the
       Global Traffic Manager pool named pool1.

       show / ltm pool

       From within the gtm module, displays statistics and status for all
       Local Traffic Manager pools.

       show / ltm profile tcp global

       From within the gtm module, displays global statistics and status for
       all Local Traffic Manager TCP profiles in the system default unit.

	    Displays all of the available system performance statistics.

	    Specifies the type of the component for which you want to show
	    statistics and status.

	    Specifies to display only the components that reside in the
	    specified module, not the components that reside in the sub-
	    modules of that module.

	    For example, from within the ltm module to display only the
	    components in the gtm module, and not the components in the gtm
	    monitor and gtm settings sub-modules, use this command sequence:
	    show / gtm current-module.

	    Displays data in the simplest units. For example, if the value of
	    the data is 1,200,001, the system displays 1.20M; however, if the
	    value of the data is 1,200, the system displays 1.2K.

	    Displays detailed data for the specified component and associated
	    components. Note that this option is available for only a partial
	    set of tmsh components.

	    You can use the tab completion and context-sensitive help features
	    to determine if this option is available. For more information
	    about these features, see help.

	    Displays data as a list of options and their values. The option
	    names can be used to retrieve statistics and status values in a
	    shell script, see cli script.

       gig  Displays data in parts per billion.

	    Displays global statistics for the specified component that
	    includes statistics for all components of the specified type. Note
	    that this option is available for only a partial set of tmsh
	    components. You can use the tab completion and context-sensitive
	    help features to determine if this option is available.

	    Displays historical statistics for the specified component. Note
	    that this option is available only for a partial set of tmsh
	    components. You can use the tab completion and context-sensitive
	    help features to determine if this option is available.

       kil  Displays data in parts per thousand.

	    Specifies how many lines of the log that you want the system to

       meg  Displays data in parts per million.

	    Specifies the module within which the component for which you want
	    to show statistics and status resides.

	    Note: When you use the command show at the module level, by
	    default, the system does not display all of the components that
	    reside in the module. To display some components you must
	    explicitly specify the component. For example, from the ltm
	    module, to display the statistics for and status of the virtual
	    addresses of the Local Traffic Manager, use the following command

	    show virtual-address

	    For more information about displaying statistics for and status of
	    a component, see the man page for the component.

       name Specifies the unique name of the component for which you want to
	    show statistics and status.

	    Specifies a date range for the logs that you want the system to
	    display, for example:

		 Specifies 2 - 4 days ago.

	    3d	 Specifies 3 days ago to now.

		 Specifies everything older than July 25th at noon.

		 Specifies between July 25th and 28th at 1:30 p.m.

       raw  Displays raw data.

	    Specifies to display the components not only from the current
	    folder, but also from all sub-folders recursively.

	    Displays the running configuration of the components that you have
	    permission to view within a tmsh module, if the default Read
	    partition is All. If you specify a Read partition, this option
	    displays only the components that you have permission to view in
	    the current partition, all of the components that are not in
	    partitions, and all of the components in partition Common. Note
	    that this option is valid only for tmsh components you can

	    The running-config option must be specified immediately after the
	    show command, for example:

		 show running-config ltm pool

       cli script, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
       by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
       recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any
       purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express
       written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2014, 2016. All rights

BIG-IP				  2016-03-14			       show(1)